(Martin Walsh) White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki responded to the recently released emails from Dr. Anthony Fauci.
LYING FAUCI ON MASKS: COVID-19 Is ‘Small Enough To Pass Through The Material’ Of Face Masks – Email
(Andrew White) Newly released emails reveal that Dr. Anthony Fauci said masks are ineffective “in keeping out” the COVID-19 virus.
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DISGUSTING: Emails Reveal ‘Dr. Fauci’s March Madness’ Disease Bracket
(Andrew White) “Cheers,” wrote the CDC’s John T. Brooks.
Email Shows Fauci Predicted COVID-19 Would Be Mild Pandemic In February 2020
(Jack Hadfield) “More similar to 2009 H1N1 than SARS”
JUST IN: Supreme Court Denies Bid by Judicial Watch to Require Hillary Clinton Testify Under Oath About Her Emails
(Cristina Laila) The Supreme Court on Monday denied a bid by conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch to uphold a court ruling requiring Hillary Clinton to testify under oath about her private email system.
Mailchimp Will Now Deactivate Accounts Sending “False, Inaccurate, or Misleading” Emails
(AJ Nelson) Mass mailing service Mailchimp, a US based marketing automation service, has updated its Terms of Use regarding types of content that are prohibited for distribution on the platform. In particular, the service now “does not allow the distribution of content that is, in our sole discretion, materially false, inaccurate, or misleading, in a way that could deceive or confuse others about important events, topics, or circumstances.”
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Hillary Clinton Resists Court Order to Produce Smoking Gun Memo on Search and Review Process That Lead to Deletion of Her Emails
(Cristina Laila) Hillary Clinton believes she is above the law.
Deep State Takedown: Google Subpoenaed Over Hillary Clinton’s Emails
(Ivan Pentchoukov) Judicial Watch served a court-authorized subpoena to Google on April 15 requesting emails from a controversial Gmail account tied to Hillary Clinton. The subpoena is part of a years-long Freedom of Information Act lawsuit which has led to the discovery of Clinton’s use of an unauthorized private email server to conduct government business during her tenure as the secretary of state.
Revealed: Ghislaine Maxwell’s Secret Emails Hacked by Cyber Criminals in Potential New Blow for Prince Andrew
(Bill Gardner and James Cook) Ghislaine Maxwell’s private emails have been hacked by cyber criminals in a new twist in the scandal surrounding Prince Andrew’s friendship with a convicted paedophile.
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Clinton Crimes: China Hacked Clinton’s Email Server, Congressman Confirms
(Ivan Pentchoukov) The U.S. intelligence community established that China hacked Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized email server when she served as the secretary of state, according to Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas).
State Department: “Multiple Security Incidents” Concerning Hillary’s Emails
(Mac Slavo) The State Department has said there are “multiple security incidents” concerning Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, which the mainstream media continues to sweep under the rug. On Monday, the State Department revealed that it has identified “multiple security incidents” involving current or former employees’ handling of Hillary Clinton’s emails and that 23 “violations” and seven “infractions” have been issued as part of the department’s ongoing investigation.