(Shama Tobin) I have seen this movie before. Crime and violent crime were on the rise. Unemployment was high. Many Americans were concerned about their future. A presidential candidate was running with a character platform. He basically said, “Vote for me because I am honest.” The candidate criticized his opponent for “hate and racism.”
More Than 90 Million Americans Cast Early Vote; Texas Shatters Record
(Frank Camp) As of approximately 7 p.m. Eastern time on Saturday, more than 90 million Americans have voted in the 2020 presidential election, according to the University of Florida’s U.S. Elections Project.
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Pollster Who Correctly Predicted Trump’s Election Win in 2016 Says Trump Is Looking Good for a Repeat in 2020 (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) Earlier this week Patrick Basham from the Democracy Institute went on with Canadian television CTV. Patrick is based in Washington DC, and his polls show something entirely different than the mainstream liberal polling.
Yes, Media Are Rigging The Election Against Half The Country. Here’s How
(Mollie Hemingway) Even if Donald Trump had lost the 2016 election, instead of won it in a surprise, the media’s coverage of his campaign and supporters would have been a horrific failure. They presented that race as unwinnable for Trump and as if his support was inexplicable.
No Matter Who Wins On Tuesday, There Will Be No ‘Return To Normalcy’
(John Daniel Davidson) One of the animating ideas behind former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign is that a Biden presidency will be a “return to normalcy.” It is a pitch that relies not only on the assumption that the Trump era is not normal, but that President Trump has weakened our institutions and undermined norms, and that the cure for what ails America is a return to the halcyon days of Obama and Biden.
Trump Sets GALLUP POLL RECORD as Most ACCURATE Forecast Model Predicts Trump LANDSLIDE!!! (Video)
Trump Sets GALLUP POLL RECORD as Most ACCURATE Forecast Model Predicts Trump LANDSLIDE!!! (Video)
Biden Campaign COLLAPSING as RIGGED Polls REVEALED to be FAKE!!! (Video)
Biden Campaign COLLAPSING as RIGGED Polls REVEALED to be FAKE!!! (Video)
Tech Ceo Emails 10 Million Customers, Tells Them a Vote Against Biden Is ‘a Vote Against Democracy’
(Daniel Payne) David Barrett, the CEO for the financial and expense management company Expensify, emailed 10 million of his customers this week to urge them to vote for Joe Biden, telling them that refusing to cast a ballot for the Democratic candidate is tantamount to voting “against democracy.”
When Citizens Must Move Mountains to Vote in Person
(Sally Zelikovsky) To combat the fraud risks associated with mail-in voting, politicians are asking us to vote in person on November 3. But that’s a tall order in New Jersey. Those who are disabled, blind, or illiterate can vote in person and at a limited number of polling places. As for the rest of us, if we show up at one of the designated polling places on Election Day 2020, it likely will not be our usual polling place, and we’ll be given a paper provisional ballot that could take weeks to verify. In tech-savvy 2020, where we’ve been voting by machine for the entirety of my voting lifetime, in-person voting is effectively verboten for those of us who are not disabled.
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Dark Web Voter Database Report Casts New Doubts on Russian Election Hack Narrative
(Gareth Porter) A new report showing that US state-level voter databases were publicly available calls into question the narrative that Russian intelligence “targeted” US state election-related websites in 2016.
Twitter Fact-Checks Trump; Trump Retaliates: ‘Twitter Is Now Interfering In The 2020 Presidential Election,’ ‘Stifling Free Speech’; ‘I, As President, Will Not Allow It’
(Hank Berrien) On Tuesday night, President Trump slammed Twitter for fact-checking his tweets, which they had begun doing earlier Tuesday, starting with two of Trump’s tweets about mail-in-voting. In his response, Trump accused Twitter of “interfering in the 2020 presidential election” and “stifling free speech,” actions he vowed that he “will not allow.”
Deep State Panic: FISA Report Reveals Clinton Meddled In 2016 Election
(Zero Hedge) If Russia spending $100,000 on Facebook ads constitutes election interference, and Donald Trump asking Ukraine to investigate the Bidens is too – then Hillary Clinton takes the cake when it comes to influence campaigns designed to harm a political opponent.
Hong Kong Election: Pro-Democracy Candidates Surge Amid Record Turnout; Protest Organizer Wins Seat
(Zero Hedge) Pro-democracy candidates are scoring overwhelming victories amid the city’s first district council elections since anti-government protests erupted earlier this year, according to SCMP.
Deep State Exposed: CIA Election-Meddling History from 1945-2019
(Tom Engelhardt) In this country, reactions to the Mueller report have been all-American beyond belief. Let’s face it, when it comes to election meddling, it’s been me, me, me, 24/7 here. Yes, in some fashion some set of Russians meddled in the last election campaign, whether it was, as Jared Kushner improbably claimed, “a couple of Facebook ads” or, as the Mueller report described it, “the Russian government interfer[ing]… in sweeping and systematic fashion.”
Proof FBI’s Russiagate Trump Investigation Was Based on False Pretenses — Deep State Fraud Exposed
(Andrew C. McCarthy)The State Department and an Australian diplomat grossly exaggerated Papadopoulos’s claims — which were probably false anyway.