(Jim Hoft) Dr. Linda Lee Tarver is a former Michigan Civil rights commissioner, Community affairs Director and Election Integrity Liason.
Election Fruad
CA Implements Audit-Proof Way To Steal Election That Goes Into Effect Just In Time For Newsom’s Recall Election
(Patty McMurray) Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom is in trouble.
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PA State Senator Doug Mastriano Holds Private Briefing with GOP Senators on AZ-Style Audit – Contacts Law Firm on Audit Funding Options
(Jim Hoft) In early June a Pennsylvania delegation was escorted into the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Arizona for an on-the-scene tour of the forensic audit facility.
Antrim County Clerk and Material Witness, Sheryl Guy, DISMISSES Election Fraud Case…Judge Overrules Her Decision…Reinstates Case
(Patty McMurray) On November 23, 2020, attorney Matthew DePerno of DePerno Law filed a lawsuit on behalf of Central Lake resident William Bailey against Antrim County, MI. In addition to thousands of votes that were flipped from President Trump to Democrat candidate Joe Biden in Antrim County, MI, in the November election, Bailey was concerned about ballots that were re-run through the Dominion tabulator machine after a 262-262 tie on a vote a ballot initiative that would allow a marijuana establishment to be located within the Village of Central Lake.