The AIIB or China-led development bank, is being touted as the savior of the world from the Western Oligarchical systems. Whether this pans out as described remains to be seen. Shifts in financial structures have occurred regularly on earth, about every 70 years or so, as we described in the post RV/Gold Bait and Switch? – Secular Value vs Absolute […]
economic collapse
10 Charts Which Show We Are Much Worse Off Than Just Before The Last Economic Crisis
Source – The Economic Collapse Blog If you believe that ignorance is bliss, you might not want to read this article. I am going to dispel the notion that there has been any sort of “economic recovery”, and I am going to show that we are much worse off than we were just prior to […]
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Vladimir Putin Proposes “Eurasian” Currency Union
Source – ZeroHedge While the distraction that is the stock market continues to enthrall most Americans, the big shots in the global monetary which for now are taking place behind the scenes, are getting ever louder. Several recent cases in point: China’s Congress Charts a New Path for the World | China, Japan and South […]
China’s Congress Charts a New Path for the World | China, Japan and South Korea Hold High Level Meeting
Source – Eclinik March 20th, 2015 March 15—Substantial international attention has been focused on this year’s meeting of China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Committee (CPPCC), much of it misguided and/or malicious. But there is a real reason for the Congress’s importance. With the full brunt of the international financial […]
These key events happening right now indicate another financial crisis on the way | US Economic Data Is Having Its Worst Year Since At Least 2000
Source – Natural News More and more financial experts are beginning to predict that the next global economic crisis is brewing, and they are trying to warn as many people as possible before it actually hits. Natural News has ramped up our coverage of this important topic because, obviously, it has the potential to affect billions of […]
Guess What Happened The Last Two Times The S&P 500 Was Up More Than 200% In Six Years?
See these other articles regarding economic developments: End of the Dollar as Global Reserve Currency? | China Has Announced Plans For A ‘World Currency Entire board of Spanish bank resigns amid money laundering probe | Andorra’s credit rating downgraded by S&P amid US accusations World Bank & IMF Announce Transition to Asset-Backed Currencies; Via Karen […]
Entire board of Spanish bank resigns amid money laundering probe | Andorra’s credit rating downgraded by S&P amid US accusations
Recently there has been a fall out between Venezuela and the U.S. Curious if this money laundering scheme may have influenced these recent actions by both countries: Venezuela Officially Declares Bush And Cheney Terrorists, Bans Them From Country and then Obama Declares Venezuela a National Security Threat Source – BreakingNews.Ie 03/12/15 The entire board of Spain’s […]