(Strange Sounds) Earth’s magnetic field is gradually weakening in an area that stretches from Africa to South America, and scientists who are trying to understand why.
earth changes
Dutchsinse: 4/06/2020 — Earthquake Activity Spreading — What’s Going on Below the Surface? (Video)
(Justin Deschamps) Claims are surfacing that the Deep Under Ground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.S) are being taken out by the positive military as they rescue children from these secret human trafficking facilities. As part of those claims, some assert the recent uptick in seismic activity is evidence of takedown operations.
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Coronavirus Lockdowns Have Changed the Way Earth Moves
(Elizabeth Gibney) A reduction in seismic noise because of changes in human activity is a boon for geoscientists.
As Earth’s Ozone Layer Continues to Repair Itself, Scientists Happily Report Good News on Global Wind Trends
(GNN) It has been more than 30 years since the world banned the chemicals that were depleting Earth’s protective ozone layer and simultaneously triggering some troubling changes in atmospheric circulation in the Southern Hemisphere.
Life Returns to Gaia: 20 Photos Show that the Planet Needed to Breathe. Animals Begin to Reappear Around the World
(Uposcl) Despite the fact that the coronavirus has resulted in thousands of victims and has advanced in leaps and bounds, not everything is bad news. Not really, because although we humans are quarantining to avoid further infections and stop the disease, the world has shown us that it’s been able to take a breather and, little by little, it’s gone cleaning itself up.
Earth Changes: Ring of Fire Earthquakes Accelerating as Something Big Approaches
(Tracey Watson) The Circum-Pacific Belt, commonly known as the Ring of Fire, is a 24,900 mile (40,000 kilometer) horseshoe-shaped stretch of the Pacific Ocean famous for its frequent earthquakes and numerous active volcanoes. Located between several tectonic plates, the Ring of Fire is home to 75 percent of our planet’s volcanoes and 90 percent of the Earth’s earthquakes, including all of the most dramatic ones.
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Why Are Volcanoes All Over The Globe Suddenly Shooting Giant Clouds Of Ash Miles Into The Air?
(Michael Snyder) There certainly hasn’t been a lack of seismic activity so far in 2020. Just a few days ago, I wrote about the horrific earthquake swarm that Puerto Rico is currently experiencing. More than 1,000 earthquakes have rattled Puerto Rico so far, and as you will see below, it was just hit by another very large earthquake.
Over 1000 Earthquakes Have Hit Puerto Rico, And Authorities Say It Is Being “Squeezed” Between Two Tectonic Plates
(Michael Snyder) The nightmarish earthquake swarm that has been rattling Puerto Rico since last month continues to make headlines all over the world.
Hundreds Of Earthquakes Rattle The U.S. As The Level Of Seismic Activity In North America Continues To Rise
(Michael Snyder) Why is the mainstream media being so quiet about all of the seismic activity that has been happening all across the United States?
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This Isn’t Normal: Kansas And Oklahoma Have Been Hit By 65 Earthquakes Within The Last 7 Days
(Michael Snyder) What are we supposed to think when rather large earthquakes start happening in places that aren’t supposed to have large earthquakes?
A ‘Ring of Fire’ Is About to Devastate The US With Heatwaves, Possible Storms And Floods
(Matthew Cappucci) From a sizzling scorcher in the South to severe storms in the east and Mid-Atlantic, a ring of fire weather pattern will bring summer hazards to more than 40 million Americans for the first part of this week.
240 Cubic Miles Of Magma Discovered Beneath California’s Supervolcano
(Expand Your Consciousness) The Long Valley supervolcano (LVSV) has been peacefully snoozing for about 100,00 years beneath California, but in the last four decades, the volcano has become “restless.”
More Than 80,000 Earthquakes Have Hit California Since July 4th, And The Aftershocks Are Headed “Toward The Garlock Fault”
(Michael Snyder) The recent seismic activity in the state of California has taken a strange turn. According to the Los Angeles Times, there have been more than 80,000 earthquakes in the state since July 4th, and most of those quakes were aftershocks of the two very large events that hit the Ridgecrest area early in the month.
It’s All Crumbling… NYC Power Outages to Continue; GPS Satellites Fail; Tech Is Collapsing at an Increased Rate
(JD Heyes) A series of incidents that have occurred in close proximity to each other over the past several days are leading many to believe that technology is failing society and that U.S. infrastructure is collapsing faster than previously believed. Related Intelligent Intellectual Prepping for Disaster | Local Knowledge is Important! (Video) Source – Natural News […]
The Number Of Global Earthquakes Is 3 Times Above Normal
(Michael Snyder) Within the last 48 hours we have seen large earthquakes going off like firecrackers all along the Ring of Fire. As you will see below, a magnitude 6.1 quake just hit Japan, a magnitude 6.6 quake just hit Australia and a magnitude 7.3 earthquake just hit Indonesia.