Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) Beam Shooting from California to MALHEUR NATIONAL REFUGE (Video)
Dutchsinse: 5/11/2020 — Large Earthquake due — West Pacific unrest – California spread of activity across USA (Video)
Dutchsinse: 5/11/2020 — Large Earthquake due — West Pacific unrest – California spread of activity across USA (Video)
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Dutchsinse: 4/06/2020 — Earthquake Activity Spreading — What’s Going on Below the Surface? (Video)
(Justin Deschamps) Claims are surfacing that the Deep Under Ground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.S) are being taken out by the positive military as they rescue children from these secret human trafficking facilities. As part of those claims, some assert the recent uptick in seismic activity is evidence of takedown operations.
Galactic & Cosmic Superwaves of Energy Hitting Earth (Multiple Perspectives) – December 23, 2016
Related Energy Waves Hitting Earth, NOW? (Microwave Detection) | 12/19/2016 — Large wave of energy from unknown source hitting Earth now – Possible effects? Source – Ascension With Earth by Enerchi, December 23rd, 2016 Image Source. December 23, 2016AscensionWithEarth.Com One of the biggest galactic and cosmic events in history may be currently taking place on earth at […]
Energy Waves Hitting Earth, NOW? (Microwave Detection) | 12/19/2016 — Large wave of energy from unknown source hitting Earth now – Possible effects?
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Kosmic Leo just sent me the following Dutchsinse video reviewing energy waves that appear to be hitting the Earth. This isn’t the first time an event like this has been picked up by weather satellites. If what was recorded is a valid observation then it suggests a huge wave of energy is currently […]
Benjamin Fulford – May 1st 2016: News Alert “Mushroom Cloud” Over Kagoshima Japan — Most Likely a Volcano Erupting
Benjamin Fulford issued this short update about what he called a “mushroom cloud” over Kagoshima Japan. He supplied this photo with the following text: (Benjamin Fulford) — News alert: Mushroom cloud appeared in Kagoshima, Southern Japan at 1615 Japan Standard Time. The cloud in the photo presented by Fulford was most likely from the volcano […]
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Clinton Is Selling Uranium From Bundy and Hammond Ranches to Russians to Fund Presidential Campaign
Earlier this week, an armed militia took over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge In Response To Government Tyranny and Oppression. In that report, there is a detailed account provided by one of the ranchers. Here is a short summary: The short summary is: in an effort to draw attention to a ridiculous arrest of a father and […]
Chinese Navy Over Earthquake Swarm | Major Earthquakes Strike Atka Volcanic Center in Alaskan Aleutian Islands
There has been a string of Earthquakes along the northern ridge of the Pacific plate, near Alaska and the north east tip of Russia. There are also several hot springs in the US which have become un-swimmable due to unusually high temperature increases, suggesting hot magma has risen closer to the earth’s surface. Dutch suspects […]
Large Strange Microwave Energy Pulse Hits Planet Earth — Destroys storm near NZ | Dutchsinse
Dutch was able to find evidence of a very strange microwave energy pulse hitting the earth. It has already been demonstrated that prior to some earthquakes, there are higher levels of microwave activity. Could this be evidence of artificial earthquake producing technology? It could be. In the following related article by David Wilcock, he reviews […]
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Major Earthquake Activity Across 3,000+ Miles — West Pacific Unrest Showing
There have been several major Solar Flares and Earth directed Coronal Mass Ejections in the past week, producing several seismic events. These events are part of the growing body of evidence suggesting our planet is deeply connected to the Sun, and by extension, the Galaxy. Related Bigger Eruption, Solar Storm Effect | S0 News June 25, […]
California’s Pisgah Volcano (East of Los Angeles) Hit by Rare Earthquake
Source – Dutchsinse California’s Pisgah volcano has been hit by a rare earthquake. _________ Many of my viewers might remember this location from another series of events in 2011.. when Pisgah crater gave off a large plume , which was detected on RADAR, and settled out over downtown Los Angeles. _________ Plumes appeared again in […]
More Signs of The Energetic Shift: 85+ Volcanic Blasts in One Day! | Mt. Sakurajima in Japan Showing Major Activity
The energetic shift of the Earth is facilitated by its harmonic connections the Sun, a synchronistic process of entrainment. We have been covering this extensively and have several posts which describe the science involved Related Japan Issues Highest Alert, Evacuation Warnings After Volcano “Explosively” Erupts Related Is This A Sign of Increased Energy Affecting The Earth? | Global Earthquake and […]
Northern & Southern California hit by Earthquakes at DORMANT VOLCANOES | Dormant (Ancient) Volcanoes Near LAS VEGAS NEVADA Hit By Multiple Earthquakes
More Earth changes sweeping the planet, this time in the North American continent. Related Is This A Sign of Increased Energy Affecting The Earth? | Global Earthquake and Volcanic Activity Spiked Last Week Related Earth Changes | 40 Volcanoes Are Erupting Right Now, And 34 Of Them Are Along The Ring Of Fire – Justin Source – Dutchsinse Over […]
West Coast, East Coast & Southern US Earthquakes Strike the Craton Edge | Plate Pressure Obvious
Dutchsinse has been doing excellent work tracking climate change recently. Please see his website/blog for more info: For information on the energetic shift of the sun, which is most likely the cause of the earth changes occurring of late see: Is This A Sign of Increased Energy Affecting The Earth? | Global Earthquake and Volcanic […]
Whole West Coast Moved Over 48 Hours – Oregon Earthquake Near Erupting Volcano
Related, please read: Is This A Sign of Increased Energy Affecting The Earth? | Global Earthquake and Volcanic Activity Spiked Last WeekSource – Dutchsinse Over the past 48 hours the whole of the West coast of the United States has moved on at least a 4.0 magnitude level or greater. Currently, another mid-4.0 magnitude (4.2 […]