(Shem) Child trafficking busts are quickly becoming the new American mainstay for Super Bowl Sunday. It used to be only the game and halftime show that drew the attention of audiences. However, now, that norm appears to be changing. Both in 2019 and here in 2020, large pedophilia busts have taken place in parallel with the Big Game and are quickly painting a new picture of what this sporting event entails.
DISCLOSURE: Television Scientifically Proven to be a Tool of Hypnosis/Subliminal Control; Confirmed by US Patents
(Shem) “TV rots your brains.” We’ve all likely heard this cliche stated numerous times over the years in one form or another. Some of us may believe this phrase was simply used by parents to peel their kids away from the television to do their chores. And in many cases, we may be right. However, what if there were more to this age-old truism?
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Alternative Timelines and Parallel Universes: Multiple Accounts of Strange Unexplained Events
(Shem) It’s always interesting to explore the possibilities of our reality. Many people actually enjoy the pass-time of questioning our understanding of the universe to see if there are other possibilities we haven’t yet considered. In fact, with as many scientific discoveries that have been made and disclosed, it’s become difficult not to consider these alternative understandings of our universe.
SBA Presents COSMIC TABLE TALK: Censorship Operations Against the Disclosure Community
SBA Presents COSMIC TABLE TALK: Censorship Operations Against the Disclosure Community
MILITARY TRIBUNALS BEGIN — DOD Invites Press to Cover Hearings at GITMO Expeditionary Legal Complex
(Shem El-Jamal) We’ve been waiting for them. Now, it appears they have arrived. The first of what will likely be many (possibly hundreds) of military tribunals has begun. The tribunals commenced on January the 2nd, according to the Department of Defense, and these proceedings began with a case that could very easily unravel the provably false mainstream narrative of the September 11th attacks.
ARE YOUR OPINIONS ACTUALLY ‘YOURS?’ — An In-Depth Look into the Manipulative Psychological Tricks Played on You by the MSM
(Shem-El Jamal) In our current society, information is everything. Our opinions, perspectives, and our general ability to function in the world are dependent upon our aptitude to learn and comprehend the accurate information we encounter from media. Yet, what if our trusted media sources which provide this information were not as accurate as we had always assumed?
Did Q-Anon Forecast Fake Bomb Threats? – Recent Slew of Alleged Mail Bombs Could Spell Cover for Mass Arrests (Part 1
(Shem El-Jamal) The present state of affairs here in the U.S. seems to be one of controlled chaos. The MSM appears to have lost the remainder of its ability to accurately report news and according to extensive evidence, has ramped up its excessive promotion of established propaganda.
Q Predictions and ‘Cesar Psy-Op’ – The Strong Case for Alliance Intervention in the Recent Story of the Fake Bomber
(Shem El-Jamal) The breaking reports of an alleged serial bomber swept through corporate news with blinding speed, and just as always with such sensational news, the reports of these events held numerous unanswered questions and many gross inconsistencies.
Mass Arrests? 514th Military Police Company Deployed to Guantanamo Bay; Does This Spell Military Tribunals for the Cabal in the Near Future?
(Shem El Jamal) The signs keep coming, and the case is growing progressively stronger that there are very big things taking place behind the scenes of the regular societal status quo. Yes, there is still the constant script of public division along the lines of political, legal, gender, social, racial, and every other perceived difference in society. However, beyond these predictable attempts of division, there appear to be ongoing efforts to bring the madness to an end and to bring the co-conspirators behind it to justice.
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Q-PROOFS ABOUND: Global Developments Verify Q Anon as Massive and Visible Changes Unfold
(Shem El-Jamal) The principle which Q Anon has repeatedly stated over time appears to be holding true. In numerous cases over the past several months, future is, in fact, proving past.
MAINSTREAM DISCLOSURE: The Asteroid Belt Now Believed by Astronomers to be Remains of Several Planets (Or Possibly One) – Part I
(Shem El-Jamal) The modern scientific establishment has progressed far beyond where it is said to have been at the turn of the last century. Throughout the years, there have been numerous discoveries and advancements on the theoretical and the applied side of science and development. Yet even with this notable progress, it seems that the current […]
REPORT: Germany Files Charges Against Seven Not-For-Profit Groups for Human Trafficking – Including ‘Doctors Without Borders’
(Shem El-Jamal) In America and world society, the issue of mass immigration from multiple countries is a common topic of political discussion. This subject is particularly popular when election time rolls around. It has been a central and age-old point of contention between political parties, yet to this day, this topic is no more resolved than any other subject in politics.
Corporate Food Promotes Cannibalism — Major Food Companies Use Tissue from Aborted Fetuses to Produce Flavor Additives in Processed Foods — Article and Commentary
(Shem El-Jamal) “You are what you eat.” Most of us have likely heard this saying before and are familiar with its simple and sensible meaning. When we were younger, this adage taught us (hopefully) to take care of what we put into our bodies because the food we eat can have a direct affect on our health as a whole.
Trump Orders Establishment of ‘Space Force’ as 6th Branch of Military; Program Has Existed Since Mid-19th Century, Whistleblowers Claim
(Shem El-Jamal) There is a certain method of delivering new and potentially shocking information to the uninformed public. This method involves making announcements about events as though the subject being disclosed is new and in developmental phases.
The Solar Flash — Exploring the Possibilities of the Predicted Event and Our Collective Ability to Determine Our Future
(Shem El-Jamal) In modern times, the subject of massive global change seems to be a regular topic of conversation. Particularly in the truth community, the topic of Earth changes and revolutionary realizations have easily piqued the interests of thousands of people from many different walks of life. Is this subject of the end times or beginning times merely the result of Hollywood entertainment and corporate media propaganda, or is there something more intrinsic and significant to the massive attention these subjects are receiving?