(Jaeson Jones) On July 27, agents with the Atlanta DEA office in collaboration with other federal agencies executed multiple search warrants at apartments and houses believed to be acting as stash and distribution spots for the metro area. The seized items were publicly displayed this week and are officially believed to amount to the largest heroin bust in Georgia’s history.
drug trade
Chemicals Supplied by China Play a Big Role in America’s Illegal Drug Trade
(Isabelle Z.) Coronavirus isn’t the only deadly epidemic that can be traced to China; factories in the country have also been involved in supplying huge amounts of precursor chemicals to Mexican super labs to produce methamphetamines and other drugs that end up on American streets.
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Trump Launches Massive All Out Military Offensive On Drug Cartels — Cabal Financial System is Going Down
(Ryan Saavedra) President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that the administration was launching an all out assault on Mexican drug cartels using the U.S. military.
Philip Haney: The Faithful Steward
(The Sharp Edge) As a whistleblower with integrity to pursue the truth amidst persecution, Philip Haney was a faithful steward of a story much bigger than one man. He found himself in the cross hairs of an international criminal syndicate of Islamic terrorist organizations, Mexican cartels, and a former administration who concealed their gun running, drug trafficking, terrorism, and infiltration of America.
War is Good for Business & Organized Crime: Afghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Opium Trade. Rising Heroin Addiction in the US
(Prof Michel Chossudovsky) Afghanistan’s opium economy is a multibillion dollar operation which has a direct impact on the surge of heroin addiction in the US.
Entire Florida Police Dept Busted Laundering Tens of Millions for International Drug Cartels
(Justin Gardner) The village of Bal Harbour, population 2,513, may have a tiny footprint on the northern tip of Miami Beach, but its police department had grand aspirations of going after international drug traffickers, and making a few million dollars while they were at it.
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Clinton-Columbian Connection Finally Revealed
(Jonathan Marshall) Exclusive: Despite a grisly human rights record and alleged ties to drug traffickers, Colombia’s ex-President Uribe has been a favorite of Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill, helping Clinton associates turn hefty profits, reports Jonathan Marshall.
Mass Shootings: The New Manifestation of an Ancient Phenomenon & Their Link to Psychiatric Drugs
(Ali Le Vere) Individuals perpetrating unspeakable acts of violence is not a new phenomenon. What’s new, rather, are the altered states of consciousness induced by antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs well-documented to promote homicidal and suicidal behavior in susceptible individuals.
George H. W. Bush Sr. CIA Illegal Drug Dealer
(Robert Bruce Reckmeyer) Look at George H. W. Bush Sr. from his days at Yale and you will follow the Criminalization of our Government; Nazi involvement (Project Paperclip), Assassination of JFK, Heroin Smuggling Vietnam, Laos, Watergate, Iran/Contra, CIA Cocaine, Election subversion, (9/11), Heroin smuggling Afghanistan. Related George Bush Pedophile Sex Ring and Blackmail of Congress Source […]
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(Video) Exposed: The Clinton’s and the CIA, Trafficking Cocaine — Documentary
(Operation Disclosure) The Clinton family have been heavily involved in the trafficking of drugs, both inside and outside of the United States. Arkansas home of the Mena airport, a major pick up and drop off location for drug shipments handled by the CIA. In fact, it is estimated by U.S. customs that at least 75% of […]
The Opioid Crime Network Exposed: Insider Reveals Corruption, Collusion, Commitment to Growing the Lucrative “Industry” Of Addiction
(Jayson Veley) The opioid epidemic that is currently plaguing the United States is unquestionably one of the most serious issues in the country today, taking the lives of thousands of Americans each and every year. In fact, according to PBS Frontline, the opioid epidemic is now responsible for the deaths of more than 27,000 people each […]
Why Brain Hacking with Smart Drugs May Not Be So Genius
(Christina Sarich) When you talk to brain-hackers from Silicon Valley, they talk of creating the perfect stack – a combination of natural and pharmaceutical nootropics that can help make them into a super-powered genius that can go hours without sleep while maintaining massive focus. It sounds like a cool way to hack the brain, but this […]
10 Shocking New Facts about the Manufactured Opioid Crisis in America
(Alex Pietrowski) America has some serious problems, but public attention only seems to flow where the mainstream media goes. And while there certainly is reason to be concerned with the social turmoil and the general tenor of American society today, a far more dangerous and diabolical crisis is tearing us apart from the inside. Related: US Attorney […]
Trump Declares ‘National Emergency’ Over Opioid Crisis
(The Free Thought Project) President Donald Trump has declared the opioid epidemic a national emergency and said his administration was drafting paperwork to make it official. Related: Illegal Drug Trade Essential to Geopolitics, Says Former Diplomat Source – The Free Thought Project by Staff Writer, August 10th, 2017 President Donald Trump has declared the opioid epidemic a […]
One of the Largest Banks in the World Just Accused of Laundering Millions for Drug Cartels
(Claire Bernish) Commonwealth Bank of Australia stands accused by the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) of a stupefying 53,700 violations of money laundering and counter-terrorism-financing laws, in which the financial institution failed to notify in a timely fashion — and, sometimes, not at all — transactions topping a mountainous A$77 million. Related: 5 Major Banks (The Cartel) […]