(Kyle Becker) Dr. Anthony Fauci has been all over the map on Covid recently. He’s almost getting as bad as Biden.
Dr. Anthony Fauci
Report: Fauci in Line to Receive Largest Federal Retirement Package in US Government History
(Abby Liebing) Dr. Anthony Fauci turned 81 years old on Christmas Eve. But he still isn’t retired.
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OUCH! Radio Host Hugh Hewitt Interviews Fauci, Rattles Off Extensive List of His Failures and Lies, Asks Him to Resign (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt was an early critic of Donald Trump, even insisting the GOP dump Trump at the national convention in Cleveland in 2016.
Report Puts Fauci’s Retirement at $350K Per Year, Biggest in US Government Pension History
(NWO Report) Dr. Anthony Fauci has been on the federal payroll for 55 years and he currently has no plans to retire, but when he does, a new analysis of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases director’s records shows he will get the largest pension in the U.S. government history.
PETA Investigator Finds 360 Dead Dogs During Investigation Into NIH Abuse of Beagles
(Joe Hoft) The NIH was recently accused of horrible cruelty to dogs being experimented on. A recent PETA investigation is confirming this abuse.
Dr. Fauci Threatens Americans with Latest Covid Mandate Under Consideration in Biden White House
(Kyle Becker) Dr. Anthony Fauci has been the face of the biomedical establishment’s mission to scare the hell out of the American people to get them “vaxxed,” regardless of the actual risk to particular human beings.
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Rep. Gohmert: Fauci Must Be “Held Responsible” for Unleashing Mass Death on the World
(Ethan Huff) During a recent appearance on Fox News, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.) segued from talking about the border crisis in his home state to calling for fake government “doctor” Tony Fauci to finally be held accountable for committing crimes against humanity.
Fauci: If Your Family Member is Unvaccinated, Tell Them Not to Show Up
(Paul Joseph Watson) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci once again urged Americans who have unvaccinated family members to uninvite them to Christmas gatherings.
Fauci Says Fox’s Watters Should Be Fired for ‘Kill Shot’ Comment, Network Fires Back
(Just the News) Watters made the comments Monday onstage at a conservative political conference.
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Fauci Says Not to Go to Christmas Gatherings Where You Don’t Know Everyone’s Vaccination Status (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) Dr. Fauci was spouting off on the coronavirus again on Sunday morning.
Dr. Oz, Now a Republican Candidate for the Pennsylvania Senate, Is Getting Censored on Facebook after Criticizing “Lord Fauci”
(Natural News) Dr. Mehmet Oz (of the Dr. Oz show) recently announced his candidacy for the Pennsylvania Senate. In early 2020, Dr. Oz spoke publicly about treating covid patients with hydroxychloroquine and zinc. Today, he is speaking against government mandates that cause unnecessary suffering. In a recent interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News, Oz took a shot at Dr. Anthony Fauci and lambasted the “arrogant, close minded people in charge [who] closed our parks, shuttered our schools, shut down our businesses, and took away our freedom.”
Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch Blow the Lid on Fauci’s Illicit Bioweapons Research Schemes
(Ethan Huff) Judicial Watch has done it again by procuring another fresh trove of evidence implicating fake government “doctor” Tony Fauci for using American taxpayer dollars to fund the tweaking of bat coronaviruses and other pathogens.
Omicron Variant Is Indeed A Threat…To The Biden Regime Storyline
(Patty McMurray) Inevitably, it will be here. The question is will we be prepared for it?” — Dr. Fauci on Omicron
Fauci Confirms First Person With Omicron Variant In USA Was Fully Vaccinated, Had Mild Symptoms
(Tom Pappert) Anthony Fauci confirmed that the first known case of COVID-19 caused by the omicron variant was in an individual who was “fully vaccinated” against COVID-19, but was apparently not yet eligible or chose not to receive a third dose of the vaccine popularly referred to as a booster shot.
Piers Morgan Says Fauci Should ‘Put His Ego Away… And Shut The F*** Up’ (VIDEO)
(The Scoop) Dr. Anthony Fauci received some harsh criticism from Piers Morgan, a British media personality, who said the infamous presidential advisor should “shut the f*[**] up” in a recent article