(Alicia Powe) Health practitioners across the United States were revoked of their medical licenses and were even criminally charged for warning about the adverse effects of COVID vaccines.
Dr. Anthony Fauci
Watch: Medical Experts Mock the Idea of Wearing Masks to Stop Viruses Prior to Covid-19 Pandemic
(Kyle Becker) In a video compilation that ranges from 2009 to 2020, medical experts mocked and dismissed the notion of wearing masks to stop viruses.
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Anthony Fauci Bails on WHCA Dinner Citing ‘Personal Risk’ of Catching Coronavirus
(Charlie Spiering) Dr. Anthony Fauci has decided to cancel his appearance at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Saturday, citing the risk of catching the coronavirus.
Fauci Emerges to Congratulate Himself on Covid Response: ‘The Success Story Has Been the Science’
(Jordan Schachtel) Anthony Fauci has emerged from his newfound involuntary hermit condition to commemorate the two year anniversary of 15 Days To Slow The Spread.
The White House Throws Fauci ‘Under the Bus’: Jen Psaki Claims the Biden Administration Has ‘Not Been Pro-lockdown’
(Kyle Becker) White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was confronted with a new Johns Hopkins comprehensive study that shows “lockdowns” were a comprehensive failure worldwide.
US Government Revealed to Have Spent Over $2.3 Million On Experiments Injecting Puppies With Cocaine
(Amber Crawford) A Freedom of Information Act has revealed that the National Institute of Health spent over $2.3 million on experiments in which puppies were injected with cocaine.
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Fauci Now Using CULT Language To Describe His “Believers”
(Ethan Huff) The infamous Tony Fauci appeared the other day on a Zoom call with Bloomberg‘s Francine Lacqua, during which he admitted that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is nothing more than his own religious cult.
Wuhan Collaborators ‘EcoHealth’ Just Received One Their Largest EVER Grants, From Joe Biden’s Government.
(Natalie Winters) Instead of scrutiny, Wuhan collaborators close to Anthony Fauci are getting a pay off. Why, and why now?
The Puppy Killings Were Just the Tip of the Iceberg – Fauci’s NIAID’s ‘Grisly’ Work Is Being Exposed
(Grant Atkinson, The Western Journal) Over the past two years, Dr. Anthony Fauci and other National Institute of Health officials have been mostly criticized for their questionable handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fauci Says We’re Just In Phase One Of ‘Five Phases Of The Pandemic’ — Then Issues a Chilling Warning
(Kyle Becker) Dr. Anthony Fauci has issued a warning to the world: We’re only in “phase one” in a purported five phases of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Dr. Fauci Complains About ‘Disinformation’ at Global Summit, But He May Be Its Chief Superspreader
(Kyle Becker) Dr. Anthony Fauci would like the world to know “disinformation” is a very serious problem. No, he didn’t promise to be silent for the rest of the Covid pandemic.
While Americans Were Told To Hide Under Their Beds, Dr. Fauci and His NIH Employed Wife Raked In $1.7 MILLION…Their Total Net Worth Will Blow Your Mind!
(Patty McMurray) Americans have been locked down, shamed, humiliated, and made to feel like serfs for refusing to follow the orders given by government overlords based on the advice of unelected government bureaucrats like Dr. Fauci, whose been calling the shots for over two years now.
REVEALED: New Fauci Financials Reveal $800K Investment Windfall in 2020, Over $10M Net Worth.
(Natalie Winters) Previously unseen financial disclosures reveal Anthony Fauci’s household net worth totaling over $10 million, including a nearly $1.8 million gain in investments held by the National Institutes of Health official in 2020 alone.
Action Alert: Evidence Mounts Fauci Lied to Congress — Ask Your Elected Officials to Launch Immediate Investigation of ‘America’s Doctor’
(Children’s Health Defense) In a Jan. 11 letter to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Sec. Xavier Becerra from James Comer, ranking member of the Committee on Government Oversight and Reform, and Jim Jordan, ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, the Congressmen asked for a “transcribed interview” of Dr. Fauci
Rand Paul Vows Payback for Fauci: Senator Makes Promise to Biden’s Top Covid Doc If Republicans Take Senate
(Kyle Becker) Dr. Rand Paul has a promise for Dr. Anthony Fauci should the Republicans take the Senate and he is put in charge: Accountability is coming.