(Matt Agorist) Since the invasion of Ukraine began, manufacturers of doomsday bunkers have seen a massive spike in sales. This is typical during any crisis as people wait until the last minute to start preparing. What sets this rush toward prepping apart from ones in the past is the fact that the World Bank is warning against such actions — despite many of their elite friends doing exactly that.
America Is Approaching Financial Doomsday
(Adam Vicari) Since 1947, just two years after the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has maintained what is known as a “Doomsday Clock.” This clock is reset annually and is supposed to measure approximately how close the world is to the apocalypse due to a man-made catastrophe, with midnight representing the apocalypse and however many minutes before midnight representing how close mankind is to causing it.
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Doomsday Plane Takes Off from MacDill Air Force Base
(Jim Hoft) The Doomsday plane is an unofficial denomination of a class of aircraft which is used as an Airborne Command Post in an event of nuclear war, disaster or other large scale conflicts that threaten key military and government infrastructure.
What Will Happen to the Banking System if (or when) Doomsday Arrives?
(Cornelia Adams) The last few years have been pretty damned frightening. Obviously, it was the COVID-19 pandemic that grabbed the big headlines, and while it did shake us all up for a while I’m almost grateful for it. Why? Well, it almost made us forget about the flurry of extreme weather events we have seen in the last few years, the precarious state of western democracy, the risks to the banking system, and the rising likelihood of a third World War within the next decade.
The ‘Elite’ Are Building Remote Doomsday Mansions
(Humans Are Free) Billionaires are buying high tech bunkers in places far away from large population centers.