(Jim Hoft) Two foreign nationals another man were recently sentenced to 48 months of probation after they raped a 14-year-old girl and filmed it.
Donald Trump Jr
Donald Trump Jr. Thinks He Knows Why Joe Biden Eats So Much Ice Cream…Could Nancy Pelosi Have A Freezer Full of Ice Cream For Same Reason?
(Patty McMurray) There is no question Joe Biden is suffering from dementia or some sort of issue that’s affecting his mental abilities.
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Donald Trump Jr. Rips Biden’s Failure and Woke Politics with Hilarious Tweets
(David) Twitter gets a lot of things wrong. Excommunicating President Trump from their platform was a gross overreach and abuse of power.
Donald Trump Jr. Destroys Libs Who Demand Vaccine Passports But Say Voter IDs are ‘Racist’
(Kyle Becker) Donald Trump Jr. has been owning liberals online who disingenuously argue that voter IDs are ‘racist,’ but want the federal government to mandate vaccine passports. It got even worse recently when a “braindead” lib wasn’t in on the joke, and self-owned over a facetious tweet saying there should be a vaccine mandate in order to vote.
Trump’s North Carolina Speech Had Over 5.3 Million Viewers, Even Without Fox News
(Tom Pappert) Even without Fox News, over 5 million Americans tuned in to hear the 45th President’s second major speech since leaving the White House.
“So Righteous as the Democrats – Were Pushing Russia Collusion Bullshit for 3 Years” – Donald Trump Jr. ON FIRE — Blasts Mitch McConnell After He Trashes President Trump
(Jim Hoft) Donald Trump Jr. gloated some today after his father Donald Trump Sr. was acquitted in his second junk impeachment trial.
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“Big Tech Has Gotten Out Of Hand”: Donald Trump Jr. Joins Telegram
(Nwo Report) ‘I now have ownership of this channel and will be posting original content for you guys.’
Q RED4: 10th Mountain PATCH Spotted in Washington DC, Disguised as Riot Control National Guard
(Will Justice) This might be the proof we’ve been waiting for.
“17 Hours to Go” Trump Jr: “The Best Is Yet to Come”
(Will Justice) The video speaks for itself.