(Kyle Becker) A highly anticipated report issued Friday by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency, also known as CISA, is providing official documentation of the major security flaws posed by Dominion Voting Systems Machines. It comes nearly two years after the 2020 presidential election, which the agency had called the “most secure election in history.”
Dominion Voting Machines
EXCLUSIVE: New Mexico Election Audit Team Identifies Chain of Custody Issues and Will Reveal More Shocking News on Monday Night
(Joe Hoft) The New Mexico election audit has been ongoing for some time. On Monday night, the group that is leading the effort will produce some shocking evidence related to issues they have uncovered.
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Dominion Voting Machines Arrive in Ohio County Costing $6.17 Million Up Front — Machines Include Software to “Evaluate Voter Intent”
(Jim Hoft) The Dominion voting machines arrived in Stark County this week into the Board of Elections.
Breaking: Mi Rep. Steve Carra Introduces Bill Asking for Forensic Audit of Nov. Election…Bill Includes “Making Sure Machines Were Not Connected to the Internet” [Video]
(Patty McMurray) Only days after the November election, hundreds of GOP and Independent poll challengers filed affidavits, attesting to voter fraud or voter irregularities they witnessed while working in polling places, city offices, as a Dominion contract employee, and at the TCF Center in Detroit, where early morning dumps of thousands of ballots were made in the back hallways of the counting facility on the day after the November 2020 election.
BIG: Pennsylvania County Appoints Top Prosecutor for Dominion Voting Machine’s Error That Failed to Show GOP Ballots
(Kyle Becker) A Pennsylvania county is appointing a top prosecutor to investigate a voting machine error that caused Republican ballots not to display. The 11-member council in Luzerne County voted to investigate the odd voting machine error, which occurred in a primary election on May 18.
Dominion Received At Least 2,000 Large Packages From China During 2020 Election
(NWO Report) With evidence found in a dumpster near the Fulton County, GA election warehouse after the November, 3rd 2020 poll, it has emerged that Dominion Voting Systems possibly received at least 2,000 large packages from China during the 2020 U.S. general election.
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HUGE DEVELOPMENT: Hand Recount Finds Dominion Voting Machines Shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN in Windham, New Hampshire… only 300 votes!
(Jim Hoft) Here we go. More proof of election fraud by Dominion Voting Machine
FRAUD ALERT: Analysis of 3,000 Counties Reveals Joe Biden Received 5.6% More Votes in Counties Using Dominion Voting Machines
(Jim Hoft) A recent video posted on Rumble by BasedMedia and DonaldWon.com revealed Joe Biden was given a 5% advantage over President Trump in counties using Dominion Voting Machines.
GAME OVER: Dominion Voting Machines LIVE HACKED During Georgia Senate Hearing
(Humans Are Free) Despite all the fake news lies that claimed Dominion voting machines could not be hacked and could not be used to alter the outcome of the election, analyst Jovan Pulitzer has just unleashed a bombshell announcement during a live Georgia senate hearing.
Developing: Dominion’s Anti-Trump Executive Eric Coomer Owns Patents on Adjudication Process That Investigators Found Skimmed Votes From Trump in Michigan
(Jim Hoft) In 2010 Eric Coomer joined Dominion as Vice President of U.S. Engineering. According to his bio, Coomer graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics.
Dominion Voting Machines Are Related to Smartmatic/Sequoia and They Do Have Functionality to Switch Votes Between Candidates
(Joe Hoft) Of course, Dominion is related to Smartmatic and Sequoia machines. Why are they denying this?
Recount Confirms Trump Won Michigan County that Reported Biden Win on Election Night
(Staff Writer) A hand recount on Wednesday confirmed that Michigan county falsely reported on election night a win for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.
“I Am Not Impressed. Ms. Powell Retracts Nothing” – Lin Wood Responds to Dominion Voting Machines Threats to Sidney Powell
(Jim Hoft) On Friday Dominion Voting Systems sent a threatening letter to Attorney Sidney Powell demanding a retraction of her “defamatory” accusations.
DAMNING REPORT: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Accused Of Paying Election Judges, Paying Election Officials Who Boarded Windows To Counting Room…Purchased Dominion Voting Machines
(Allan Miller) Hundreds of millions of dollars from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg were used to violate election laws, according to a new report.
MI Legislature Subpoenas Detroit and Livonia City Clerks…Demands Surveillance Footage from TCF Center, Records of Computers Connected To Internet and MORE!
(Patty McMurray) Over 200 sworn affidavits from GOP poll challengers, a Detroit City worker, and a Dominion contract worker, related to voter fraud and voter irregularities have been filed. The forensic audit report on 16 Dominion Voting machines in Antrim County that was released yesterday showed a 68.05% error rate, meaning 68.05% of ballots were sent for adjudication.