(Justin Deschamps) A study published in the American Journal of Medicine suggests that the public is losing faith in large scientific institutions, like medicine, and other areas of scientific expertise. Researchers don’t know why, yet speculate that the loss of faith is due to social media and the rising power of the internet (fake news), along with a minority of bad scientists muddying the waters for the public. Perhaps the reason why is because these authorities have become drunk on power and refuse to act with dignity despite the public outcry.
Discerning and Analyzing Claims in a World Full of Deception — Prepare For Change Interviews Justin Deschamps
(Gerry Gomez) In this episode with Justin Deschamps recorded on the 23rd of September 2019, we had a conversation about discerning truth and validating claims.
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Rant: “Don’t let the echo chamber effect deceive you.”
(Justin Deschamps) The powers that be know if you tell a lie enough times, and enough people repeat it, most will accept it as true without question. But a lie doesn’t become true because a lot of people believe it.
The Law Of One – A Brief Introduction | Atlantis and the Confederation, Yahweh and the Orion Group, Earth’s Quarantine, Eisenhower met with ET’s, Thought War
(Julian Robles) There has been a lot of talk about ETs (Extra-Terrestrials), also sometimes called Galactics, or space brothers etc. Many do not believe that they exist, others believe that any ET life would be of a conquering type, looking to enslave us, that they would only come here to gather resources; whether that be materials or labor (us). Still others believe all ETs must be positive. Of course, there are many, especially those who’ve looked at alternative history that says that in an almost infinite universe there must be other highly intelligent life, maybe even more advanced than us and that there is evidence we have been visited; both in our past and present.
Magical Thinking: Concept and Traits
(Exploring your Mind) Magical thinking is a fascinating human phenomenon. Read on ti discover what magical thinking is and why it isn’t always bad to believe something that isn’t true
The Illusion of Truth: Revealing the Science of How to Deceive (so you can guard against it)
The Illusion of Truth: Revealing the Science of How to Deceive (so you can guard against it)
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Renowned Scientist Explains How The Earth Is Not A Sphere – But It’s Not Flat Either
(Arjun Walia) What a time to be alive, isn’t it? Over the past few years, the birth of social media gave way to an explosion of information. Sure, some of it may be fake, but a lot of this ‘fake news’ narrative was created by the government and corporations in order to attack several alternative media websites. The ‘fake news’ problem cannot be solved by more censorship, it can only be solved through more information.
Comprehensive Analysis of The Unprecedented Sealed Indictment Claim
(Justin Deschamps) StormWatchr researcher group has been posting sealed indictment count numbers for a little under a year, which they claim are at unprecedented rates. These reports have been regarded by some as proof an alliance working against the Deep State is preparing for mass arrests, along with unprecedented changes to society long awaited by many in the know. The claim is that the number of sealed indictments is far above the norm, about ten times as much. But some contend that the number count is wrong, as is presented in the below analysis.
Wow this became Epic! Convo with Justin Deschamps — Cosmic Embassy
Wow this became Epic! Convo with Justin Deschamps — Cosmic Embassy
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Could Some Spirit Guides Be of the False Light?
(Justin Deschamps) The following article discusses the notion of a false light matrix or group of false guides that lead us astray. Particularly, that some of these false light beings appear to us as benevolent guides but are in fact attempting to parasitically draw energy from us. The way in which this parasitism takes places appears to be by creating a dependency in the contacted individual, such as making them feel like they are a messiah, a prophet, or chosen one—all of which requires belief in the superiority of the false light group. It is also suggested that the reincarnation cycle itself could be part of a soul trap agenda.
7 Signs our Consciousness is Shifting to Higher Dimensions — And How to Share “Fringe” Ideas with Others
(Justin Deschamps) Are we evolving to higher dimensions of consciousness? This is what many believe in the awakening or conscious community, drawing from mystical, channeled and scientific sources. The terms used to describe this evolutionary step forward are often considered “woo woo” or new agey. The uninitiated, with the help of propaganda media, discredit these ideas by saying they are pseudoscientific, but there’s verifiable credence to the concepts behind these terms.
Breaking News Everywhere: Disclosure Community Discernment Call
(Teresa Yanaros) Breaking news in the disclosure community is hitting us from all ends across the board this past week, with To The Stars Academy releasing the semi-annual financial report, GaiaTV’s attempt to trademark the word “Disclosure,” and pointing fingers about discernment from the arenas of ex-lovers to new whistleblowers. How does our community discern the truth?
Scientific Bullsh*t – How ‘Science’ is Used to Deceive the Public
(Gavin Nascimento) Did you know that there was a shocking study published in the Public Library of Science Journal, that found“up to 72%” of scientists admitted their colleagues were engaged in “questionable research practices,” and that just over 14% of them were engaged in outright “falsification”?[1]
MSM Attempts to Debunk Q Anon — “Creator of QAnon” Speaks for the First Time
(Justin Deschamps) The following is an article attempting to debunk Q Anon material and information. Unlike most of the hit pieces coming out about Q Anon, this one was written by someone who painstakingly researched the Q material. He asserts that Q has provided false predictions, that the group behind Q has changed quite a bit, and even claims to know the original Q.
Trump Rescinds Ban on GMO? Wrong. Just a Fake News Tidal Wave from the Controlled Mass Media
(S.D. Wells) For truth news seekers and Constitutionalists, Trump couldn’t be a better POTUS, but for protecting the environment, clean food, and the animals responsible for 75 percent of all U.S. food, he’s falling short – or so the fake news media would have us all believe. Limited farming for the purposes of wildlife food and habitat is permitted in dozens of U.S. wildlife refuges, but genetically modified crops, such as GM corn and soy, were not, unless addressed on a case by case basis, according to an Obama-era ban.