by Justin Deschamps, An alleged insider going by the moniker Q, also known as Q Anon, appeared on the messaging board service 4Chan several weeks ago. They posted very cryptic messages that took the alternative media by storm, with some analysts concluding that this individual, or perhaps group of individuals, was using 4Chan to disseminate important information related […]
33 Unanswered Questions About Sandy Hook — Unsolved Mysteries Endure
(Makia Freeman) It is well worth remembering that Sandy Hook was a strange, unique, manipulative and horrific event occurred on December 14th, 2012. When I say horrific, I am not referring to what you may think was the horrific aspect of the event: the gunning down of 20 innocent children and 6 innocent adults. That […]
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Rethinking Dr. Greer’s False Flag Alien Invasion Scenario
(David Nova) While the article below makes many good points to suggest that the internet age of social networks and the Alt-media is too savvy to fall for a false-flag alien invasion, allow me to point out the possibility that such a false-flag alien invasion would likely not come from the White House, or the […]
Theory: Everything Points to Congressman Steve Scalise Being “Seth Riched” (Shot and then Could be Murdered in the Hospital)
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The Virginia shooting that took place earlier this week, in which Congressman Steve Scalise was injured, is quite peculiar. The following article presents some facts that raise many questions, which the author contends is proof that the Deep State is attempting to make an example out of Scalise. Of course, […]
New Secret Space Program Contactee Emerges — His Name is Kevin Trimmel
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I cannot confirm if the testimony below is accurate. But in the interest of exercising our personal discernment skills, I offer the following for your consideration. I also happen to know Deny Hunt, who seems like a well intentioned researcher trying to help bring information of this type forward. As […]
RT News: Glowing UFOs Astride the Atlantic
People recently reported UFO sightings in Arizona and United Kingdom, creating a flurry of excitement online. Have extraterrestrial neighbors decided to make contact? Related UFO Sightings Have Officially Tripled — The Truth is Coming Source – UFO Sightings Hotspot by Staff Writer, June 3rd, 2017 An Arizona witness traveling by train through Apache County reported […]
German Oceanographer States: Pyramids and Technology Found under the Bermuda Triangle Are Unknown to Modern Science
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I cannot confirm if the reports below are accurate, insofar as the claim pyramid-like structures were found at the bottom of the sea in the Bermuda Triangle. If anyone has evidence to confirm this claim, please send it to me. – Justin (Ivan) Is this the news everyone has been […]
Controlled Opposition In The Truth Movement
(Rosanne Lindsay) Ever wonder why nothing ever changes? Two words: Controlled Opposition. Controlled opposition is counterintelligence propaganda and is carried out today, legally, under the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act. It’s all an Act. And the Act is part and parcel of Social Engineering, the systematic molding and brainwashing of the individual mind to conform to group-think […]
Heartmath Institute: The Schumann Resonances are NOT Increasing
(Justin Deschamps) I studied the “hard sciences” during my time at University. I never fully understood the claim that the Schumann Resonances (SR) were “rising,” but I knew it didn’t make much sense from a wave physics perspective. In late April 2017, I produced an analysis of the data often cited as proof that the SR is rising, concluding that it had, in fact, not risen, but was simply excited to produce higher frequency spikes within the established SR spectrum. The baseline frequencies themselves are not “rising” but the harmonics of the SR are being excited in frequency ranges higher than they have in the past. That analysis received very little traction, as it likely invalidated one of the “sacred cows” within the awakening community. But now, a well-respected research institute has confirmed my findings, stating that the SR has not risen.
Julian Assange Just Destroyed the FBI, CIA & Fake News in an Epic Tweetstorm
(Jack Burns) Arguably, he’s the world’s most wanted man. Hated by governments, loved by the common man, Julian Assange seems determined not to go down without a fight. He’s been falsely accused of date rape, espionage, and subverting foreign governments, including the United States. Related Wikileaks: Leaks Coming In 2017 ‘Will Blow You Away’ — […]
5 Things You Need To Know About The US Govt’s ‘Simulated Terror Attack’ On NYC
(Claire Bernish) Operation Gotham Shield has been reported by a growing number of media outlets as this month’s reason for Americans to panic over the government’s latest plot to kill off its citizenry by conducting a mock detonation of a dummy nuclear device over the skies of New York City — nothing to see here, […]
Globalist Agenda Watch 2017: Updates 11 & 12 – As predicted, here comes the UK snap election & Will “unknown forces” stop a North Korean nuclear disaster?
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I wrote the following preamble to an update by Ken, and will include this in future posts as a disclaimer for his content. I am sharing this article from Ken of Redefining God—as always—for your consideration. He has many views and conclusions that are contrasted by those accepted by the awakening community. […]
Was Trump’s Syria Airstrike Kabuki Theartre to Undermine the Deep State Globalists? Black Pigeon Speaks
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) A researcher going by the name of Black Pigeon Speaks, has a rather compelling perspective on Trump’s airstrike on Syria last week. He asserts that Trump made a gesture to appease the globalists, but in reality, no major damage against Russia or Syria took place. And in doing so, Trump […]
Globalist Agenda Watch 2017: Update 9 – The globalists’ 2017 crisis schedule in detail
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I wrote the following preamble to an update by Ken, and will include this in future posts as a disclaimer for his content. I am sharing this article from Ken of Redefining God—as always—for your consideration. He has many views and conclusions that are contrasted by those accepted by the awakening community. […]
Special Globalist Agenda Watch Note – 2 April 2017: The 2017 Crisis Schedule
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I wrote the following preamble to an update by Ken, and will include this in future posts as a disclaimer for his content. I am sharing this article from Ken of Redefining God—as always—for your consideration. He has many views and conclusions that are contrasted by those accepted by the awakening community. […]