(S.D. Wells) “The Covid-19 virus was an animal virus that was manipulated by human beings to become infectious to human beings, and then its lethality was augmented for it to be more destructive to human lung tissue,” Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Md. informs us all. Well, not too many people know this (plus YouTube deleted it forever), but Bill Gates proclaimed in 2010, at one of those global elitist TED talks, that the world’s population needs to be reduced by a few billion people, and in the next sentence said that can be done if we do a “really great job on new vaccines,” so what exactly did he mean?
dirty vaccines
Sick and Twisted: Jimmy Kimmel Wants All Unvaccinated People to Die, but Hopes the Covid Clot Shot Won’t Clog His Son’s Blood and Strain His Heart That Already Has an Oxygen-depriving Birth Defect
(S.D. Wells)Have you heard of the new comedy show based on children dying? Yes, it’s hosted by Jimmy Kimmel, who’s running a “hit piece” on how hospitals should deny all care to anyone who won’t take the China Flu gene therapy jabs. Send them home to die, is the message, the punch line. Tell them to rest in peace. No jab, no hospital care, not even for emergencies. Go home and die! (laugh track sounds here).
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Top 7 Lies about Health and Safety over 200 Million Americans Believe Today
(S.D. Wells) As an American, no matter how smart you are, you’ve been brainwashed since you were a child to believe that the human immune system is very frail, from birth to death, and that you need at least 75 vaccines just to stay alive. As an American, you have been brainwashed to believe that any ailment, sickness, disorder or disease you may suffer from can only be treated (but never healed) by chemical medicine created in a laboratory and prescribed by someone who went to medical school for eight years to learn how to write down your “specialized” order.
BOMBSHELL: FDA Inspectors Document Horrific Conditions at JJ COVID-19 Vaccine Plant
(S.D. Wells) Over 15 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines were halted and trashed after FDA inspectors found ingredients from other vaccines in the Johnson & Johnson jabs, and discovered ‘brown residue’ all over the floors and walls, and open bags of medical waste being dragged around the facility. Talk about dirty vaccines, this is beyond all comprehension. This sounds like some (fast food) chicken processing plant, where the animals wallow in their own feces, infected with pathogens and then end up in everybody’s mouths, except in this case it’s dirty vaccines that end up killing people. No wonder some vaccines list E. coli and urea as “ingredients.”