(JD Heyes) Dr. Andrew Huff, vice president of EcoHealth Alliance, is claiming that the firm’s president, Dr. Peter Daszak, who helped fund dangerous gain of function research at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, told him that he works for the Central Intelligence Agency and that the company is a “front” for the CIA.
NOW THIS… Fauci’s Henchman Daszak Applied to Develop Novel Corona Virus with DARPA Dollars in Wuhan in 2018
(Richard Abelson) Fauci-funded British scientist Peter Daszak submitted a grant application to create a novel corona virus in 2018, the group of critical scientists named Drastic revealed to the Telegraph.
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True Conspiracy: More Than 96% of Lancet “Scientists” Who Denied Covid Lab Origin Theory Have Direct Ties to Wuhan
(Ethan Huff) As you may recall from the early days of the plandemic, 27 “scientists” penned a letter published in The Lancet that claimed the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) did not originate in a Wuhan laboratory. Well, it turns out that 26 of these scientists have direct ties to the Chinese lab in question, making their claims entirely untrustworthy.
Unredacted: Fauci Emails Show Ecohealth’s Daszak Admitting Collaboration with Ccp Virologists.
(Natural News) The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) sued the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for the unredacted portion of the April 18th, 2020 email. The original email was released under a prior Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request resulting in the release of thousands of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Anthony Fauci’s emails.
UNREDACTED: Fauci Emails Show EcoHealth’s Daszak Admitting Collaboration With CCP Virologists.
(Natalie Winters) Unredacted email correspondence between Anthony Fauci and Peter Daszak reveals the EcoHealth Alliance President admitting to working “in collaboration with Chinese virologist” on “bat-origin coronaviruses.”