(The Daily Sheeple) DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), an arm of the Department of Defense and known for their highly controversial experiments is now researching “time crystals.” But they won’t say why. That’s classified, but here’s what we do know.
Mind Control Through the Airwaves — Evidence to Share with Friends
(Brent Swancer) We like to think that we have free will, and that the decisions we make and the thoughts we have are our own. Our sense of identity, free choice, and individuality are part of what makes us unique, and are an integral part of the human experience. Yet are we really as independent and possessed of free will as we would like to think? The thought that we could be under the influence of outside forces and subject to manipulation by mind-control against our will is a terrifying prospect that has been explored extensively in science fiction, but what if it is not merely fiction at all? What if we are being directly shaped and programmed by nefarious parties through the very TV we watch or the music we listen to? According to some, this is exactly what is happening, and has been for decades.
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Forbidden History — DARPA Funds Technological Start-ups
(Forbidden History) The long tradition of government funding for technological development has been one of the most important aspects of creating the digital warfare battlefield. War is a primary endeavor of human behavior. The absence of peace on earth is a direct correlation from the curse of malicious human nature that pits competing sociopaths for dominance and world power. The race to invent, deploy and execute the destructive weapons of annihilation goes on with great enthusiasm as giant enterprises produce riches upon the ashes that their carnage implements. When it comes to funding the next innovation in military weapons, DARPA ranks at the head of the table of initiating the latest technology for mass murder.
DARPA Using Warfare Technology on Unsuspecting Civilians for Mass Mind Control
(Humans Are Free) Never mind the bombs and bullets or other conventional weaponry, consider the use of hi-tech stealth weapons. Not just for use in warfare, but for other nefarious purposes. Related: Gang Stalking: Directed Energy Weapon Mind Control Technology — Targeted Individuals Source – Humans Are Free by Staff Writer, September 24th, 2017 A number of […]
Darpa Unveils Gene Editing Infrastructure to Build Genetically Engineered “Super Soldiers”
(Jayson Veley) In the Marvel comic books, Steve Rogers is a character that transforms from a rather weak and skinny man into a supersoldier with the help of gene editing technology. For decades since fans were officially introduced to Captain America in 1941, this fictional character has fascinated people throughout the country and across the world. […]
DARPA Commits $65M to Brain Implant Program for Super Soldier Project
(Aaron Kesel) The U.S. military is disclosing a super soldier project, revealing to have allocated funding of $65 million dollars for a program to develop a ‘Brain-Computer Interface’ that would allow participants to plug into a computer like the movie The Matrix. No this isn’t science fiction Neo, this is the future that the MIC […]
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DARPA Genetically Modified Humans for a Super Soldier Army
(Paul A. Philips) I’m talking about the Pentagon’s DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Project Agency) creation of a super soldier army with super human abilities achieved through genetic modification. Source – The Event Chronicle by Paul A. Philips, January 2017 Going on for some years, shrouded in secrecy, these mutants will make future wars totally different games. […]
Facebook Investing in Neuroscience “Telepathy” Technology That Can Read Minds, Report Your Thoughts to the NSA
(Ethan Huff) Mark Zuckerberg and his team of social engineers are hoping to push the Facebook platform one step closer to singularity by developing new ways to invade the human mind in order to spy on people’s thoughts. According to reports, the social media giant is tasking a team of neuroscientists with developing a so-called “brain-computer interface” that […]
EXPOSED: The Defense Department — DARPA Vader and the Evil Intel Empire Inside… EVERY Computer on Earth
(the Anonymous Patriots) Uncovering the DoD Sith Lords that Control Your Laptop
One of the best ways to describe the U.S. Department of Defense and DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is to use the Star Wars moniker “Evil Empire” to describe its international, secretive agenda to take over the world and turn all of us into neo-feudal slaves who have no choice but to give allegiance to the controllers of the universe—Darth Vader and the Sith Lords.
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Neural “Smart” Dust Connects Brain And Computer (Wireless Mind Control)
Image Source. Source – Activist Post by Nicholas West Neural Dust – “Smart Dust” – has entered the mainstream via the Independent’s article: “Tiny implant could connect humans and machines like never before.” It is implied to be a new technology that can wirelessly link a human brain to a computer via the implantation of […]
DARPA Receives Funding For Next Phase To Weaponize Space
Related David Wilcock and Corey Goode: History of the Solar System and Secret Space Program – Notes from Consciousness Life Expo 2016 Related Secret NRO Space Stations to be Revealed in Limited Disclosure Plan Related Solar Warden: Secret Space Program Source – Zen Gardner By Nicholas WestContributor, ZenGardner.com While it is quite clear that there is an ongoing military arms race […]
DISCLOSURE: DARPA Reveals Mass Mind Control Project using EM fields and Hidden symbols
This is an absolutely fantastic post with references from DARPA Research papers and quotes from documents. It details how DARPA is revealing programs, which have existed for years, to develop methods and techniques to incept thoughts and ideas into the unsuspecting masses. I have known about these methods for at least a year. After discovering […]