(Amber Crawford) The University of Memphis, a public university in Tennessee, will be offering its professors financial incentives to infuse social justice into their courses.
North Dakota Becomes Latest State To Ban Divisive Critical Race Theory in Schools, Calls for Curriculum To Be ‘Factual’ and ‘Objective’
(JD Heyes) Critical race theory, which teaches that all whites are as inherently racist as the systems and institutions they established at the founding of our country, has now been banned from schools in yet another Republican-run state: North Dakota.
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Mother Claims Biden, Garland Sent Feds To School Board Meeting After She Complained About Pedo Porn On Curriculum
(Steve Watson) “I have threats against my children by name, I have been followed in my car with my children, they have my vehicle, they know where I live”
Parents Who Spoke out Against Critical Race Theory Curriculum Now Being Harassed by Leftist Groups
(Brandon Morse) Loudoun County is developing a pattern of pushing extreme leftist politics within its schools and due to that, many parents have risen up and pushed back. Now, these parents are not only being alienated by their own families, leftist Facebook groups are actually targeting them for harassment.
Will Amazon Require a “Vaccine Passport” To Deliver to Your Home?
(S.D. Wells) Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, who is now worth over $200 billion, has completely dominated e-commerce for two decades now, and is solely responsible for bankrupting tens of thousands of small-to-mid-sized businesses across America with his online shopping mall monopoly.
Report: School Curriculum Author Urges Kids to Pray to Aztec God of Human Sacrifice, Conduct ‘Countergenocide’ of Whites
(Samantha Chang) The California Department of Education might soon transform the state’s 10,000 public schools into left-wing incubators that brainwash children with anti-Christian, anti-white propaganda.