(Baxter Dmitry) Long-simmering social tensions in Mexico are now boiling over as millions of citizens revolt against their deeply unpopular government’s open corruption. Rampant inflation and a severe gasoline crisis have driven the country to the brink of revolution, yet mainstream media in the US continues to suppress the scale of events. Related MEDIA BLACKOUT — WATCH: […]
Currency collapse
Goldman Sachs Caught Manipulating US Dollar — No One Arrested, Slap On Wrist Instead
(Jack Burns) The same company that paid Hillary Clinton nearly $700,000, for three one-hour speeches, has now been ordered to pay a nine-figure sum for currency market manipulation. Goldman Sachs was ordered to pay 120 million, “to settle charges that it often tried to manipulate a global dollar benchmark for interest rate products over a five-year […]
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Indian Government Now Confiscating Private Jewelry, Gold During Home Raids
(JD Heyes) If you’re an Indian citizen, it is best not to try to hoard gold, jewelry and other valuables, as the government will swoop in and seize it. As noted by Mish Talk, global financial repression is beginning to accelerate, and it is being led by the Asian giant, India. The government recently declared large […]
Federal Reserve Initiates End Game As Trump Heads To White House
(Brandon Smith) For years, alternative economic analysts have been warning that the “miraculous” rise in U.S. stock markets has been the symptom of wider central bank intervention and that this will result in dire future consequences. We have heard endless lies and rationalizations as to why this could not be so, and why the U.S. “recovery” […]
Physical Currency Being Removed From Circulation On A Global Scale
Cash Is No Longer King: Currency Wars, The Phasing Out of Physical Money Has Begun Source – Ascension With Earth By Shaun Bradley Global Research, December 15, 2016 The Anti-Media 8 December 2016 As physical currency around the world is increasingly phased out, the era where “cash is king” seems to be coming to an […]
Are We Being Set Up For A Crash? Stocks Hit A Level Only Seen During The Bubbles Of 1929, 2000 And 2007
Source – The Economic Collapse Blog by Michael Snyder, December 8th 2016 Will the financial bubble that has been rapidly growing ever since Donald Trump won the election suddenly be popped once he takes office? Could it be possible that we are being set up for a horrible financial crash that he will ultimately be […]
Global Financial Markets Plunged Into Chaos As Italy Overwhelmingly Votes ‘No’
Source – The Economic Collapse Blog by Michael Snyder, December 4th 2016 Italian voters have embraced the global trend of rejecting the established world order, but the “no” vote on Sunday has plunged global financial markets into a state of utter chaos. The euro has already fallen to a 20 month low, Italian government bonds […]
False Flag on Cash? — Problem, Reaction, Solution – How the Government Will Take Your Cash
Source – Waking Times by Dylan Charles, November 23rd 2016 “Every revolution needs a good crisis in order to germinate its seed. The cashless revolution is no different.” ~Patrick Henningsen Depending on who you ask, the idea of a cashless society is either a utopia of modern convenience or an Orwellian nightmare, but recent international events coupled with […]
The Indian Government Just Eliminated 80% of the Country’s Cash
Source – The Antimedia by Shaun Bradley, November 15th 2016 The Indian government took unprecedented action last week when it eliminated 500 and 1,000 rupee paper notes from its financial system. The change occurred essentially overnight. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi initiated the policy on Nov. 8th and has actively defended his position since. The […]
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Lord Rothschild Reveals World Is Currently Witnessing The Greatest Monetary Policy Experiment In History
Source – Activist Post by Amando Flavio, August 19th 2016 The uncertainty of the global economy, which is mostly led by powerful countries in the West, has prompted concerns from many financial analysts. When the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union in June 2016, the global financial market experienced fluctuations. Some even predicted […]
A Stunning Admission From Deutsche Bank Why A Shock Is Needed To Collapse The Market, And Force A Real Panic
Source – The Event Chronicle by Tyler Durden, August 14th 2016 In what may be some of the best, and most lucid, writing on everyone’s favorite topic, namely “what happens next” in the evolution of the financial system, Deutsche Bank’s Dominic Konstam, takes a look at the current dead-end monetary situation, and concludes that in order […]
Benjamin Fulford — July 11th 2016: Khazarian mafia power structure crumbling in very public fashion
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Update – The full report is provided below. In honor of Ben’s wishes to withhold posting the full update here is a portion of his report. This post will be updated after approximately 3 days since its initial release; usually on Thursday. Added links below. – Justin Source – Benjamin Fulford There […]
US Banks Are Crashing & British Banks Halted After Crashing | British Pound Plummets to New Lows
Image Source. Source – The Event Chronicle by Tyler Durden US Banks Are Crashing “Fortress balance sheets”? The Brexit contagion is spreading as USD liquidity and counterparty risk in the interconnected global financial system has reached US banks with Goldman at 3 year lows and BofA and Citi plunging over 12%. This happens just two days […]
European Banks Have Their Worst Two Day Stretch EVER As The Global Financial Crisis Intensifies
Image Source. Source – The Economic Collapse Blog by Michael Snyder Over the last two trading days, European banks have lost 23 percent of their value. Let that number sink it for a bit. In just a two day stretch, nearly a quarter of the value of all European banks has been wiped out. I […]
Ron Paul: The People Will Not Suffer From Brexit, Only the Global Banking Elite Will
Source – The Free Thought Project by Matt Agorist Since 1958, the European Union has been absorbing independent states across the continent. Starting with the original inner 6 countries (Belgium, France, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, and West Germany) and ending with Croatia in 2013, the forced centralization of Europe was a massive and ominous force with […]