(Kristina Wong) Documents obtained via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch show that the Army’s United States Military Academy (West Point) has been teaching cadets critical race theory (CRT).
10 Republican ‘Sell-Outs’ Join with Democrats to Pass Gun Control Bill with ‘Red Flag’ Laws
(100 Percent Fed Up) Critical Race Theory proponent and “antiracist” millionaire Boston University professor Ibram X. Kendi associated the Second Amendment with the “freedom to enslave” during a recent interview.
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Chicago High School Will Introduce Race-Based Grading System
(Cullen McCue) Black students will be the primary beneficiaries of the policy.
Florida Rejects 41% of Submitted Math Books Over CRT, Other Issues
(The Center Square Staff) The Florida Department of Education is rejecting more than 40% of the mathematics textbooks submitted to be used in the upcoming school year, citing critical race theory, Common Core and other language included in them that violate the state’s new standards.
VIDEO: Idaho Teachers Brag About How They Work Around State’s CRT Ban
(Cullen McCue) Multiple Idaho teachers and administrators unknowingly bragged to Accuracy In Media
DISGUSTING: Threatening, Hateful Letter Sent To Woman Running For School Board Against CRT
(Adam Wilson) In October, the National School Boards Association labeled parents ‘domestic terrorists’ in a letter to President Biden’s administration. Evidence has surfaced that the NSBA coordinated with the Biden administration before sending their notorious letter calling parents domestic terrorists. “Viola Garcia, the NSBA president whom the Department of Education later named to a federal board, sent a memo to NSBA members on Oct. 11 (but dated Oct. 12), providing a timeline of the NSBA’s interaction with the White House ahead of the letter to Biden, which the NSBA sent on Sept. 29.” After the White House and the Biden administration coordinated to label concerned parents domestic terrorists, hysterical liberal activists have taken the message to heart.
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Alan Dershowitz’s Stark Warning: Justice System Becoming Infected by Critical Race Theory
(John Solomon) “Trials and justice have ceased to be about individual justice,” famed law professor says. “They’re about identity politics.”
Goodwill Employee Terminated For Raising Concerns Over Anti-White CRT Staff Training Pushed By Walmart, AT&T, Delta
(Alicia Powe) In addition to facing job loss for non-compliance with vaccine mandates, employees across the nation who dare oppose critical race theory risk being terminated as liberal business executives coerce their staff to undergo anti-white “equity and inclusion” training.
FBI WHISTLEBLOWER: Biden’s DOJ Activated Counterterrorism Unit Against Protesting Parents
(Patty McMurray) Yesterday, Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), sent a letter to Biden AG Merrick Garland after an FBI whistleblower provided ‘a protected disclosure’ revealing that “the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division is compiling and categorizing threat assessments related to parents, including a document directing FBI personnel to use a specific “threat tag” to track potential investigations.”
Video: Rhode Island Teacher Warns CRT ‘Absolutely Everywhere’ In Schools
(Steve Watson) A middle school English teacher in Providence, Rhode Island has warned that critical race theory, which teaches children they should feel guilty for being white, is “absolutely everywhere” in schools in the area and that it is causing “great harm and racial divide and hostility between children.”
Opponents of CRT, COVID Closures Win School Board Races Nationwide
(Greg Piper) Early returns Tuesday night showed that critics of COVID-19 reopening policies and critical race theory made headway in school board elections nationwide.
Terry McAuliffe Just Smeared Virginia Parents AGAIN…Calls Concerns About Critical Race Theory “Racist” [Video]
(Leisa Audette) Terry McAuliffe is one stubborn politician who will not back down from his false claim that Critical Race Theory (CRT) is not taught in Virginia schools. He must not pay attention to his own state because Loudoun and Fairfax Counties (see below) have been in the news many times lately over criticism from parents about Critical Race Theory being taught in schools.
Research Surprise: Embrace of CRT, ‘Diversity’ Agendas in Schools Not Correlated With Race
(Greg Piper) Pilot study of San Diego County school districts finds many dominated by “underrepresented minorities” eschew these controversial concepts.
VIDEO: Libs Now Think ‘Demon’ Is A Gender, Make Up Pronouns For It
(Andrew White) Two millennials posted a video online instructing their audience on how to properly use their “demon pronouns.”
AP Falsely Claims Biden Wasn’t Asked To Label Parents ‘Domestic Terrorists’, School Boards Association Actually Requested It
(Tom Pappert) The National School Boards Association specifically asked Biden to investigate parents under “the PATRIOT Act in regards to domestic terrorism.”