(The Center Square Staff) A bill outlawing teaching that any sex, race or religion is superior in Mississippi is sitting on the governor’s desk.
Critical Race Theory
SHOCKING: World Economic Forum Endorses Critical Race Theory [VIDEO]
(Adam Wilson) Critical Race Theory, the wildly unpopular belief system that pushes a race reductionist view of American society has now been endorsed by the world’s most powerful economic elites. The World Economic Forum, which hosts an annual conference in Davos of the wealthiest people on the planet, released a video that talked about Critical Race Theory in a positive light and said its critics don’t understand it. The video comes at a time where corporations are continuing to take an increasingly ‘woke’ stance on social issues to appease younger consumers. The Epoch Times Reports–
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Virginia House of Delegates Passes Historic Legislation That Bans Critical Race Theory in K-12 Schools
(Frankie Stockes) The Virginia House of Delegates has passed historic legislation banning the use of Critical Race Theory-themed curriculum in the state’s K-12 schools. Also known as CRT, Critical Race Theory played a key role in Republicans retaking Virginia’s statewide offices and house majority, as left-wing school districts sought to inflict the racist, divisive content on children against the will of their parents, who have formed a multi-racial coalition to protect their kids.
Georgia Legislators Advance Bill Banning Critical Race Theory in Schools
(Nyamekye Daniel) Sponsor says legislation “empowers parents to ensure that kids and children in our schools of all races are not pitted against each other.”
Dr. Alveda King Says There’s Only ONE “Critical Race”
(JD Rucker) The day after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s commemorative holiday, I had the pleasure of speaking with his niece, Dr. Alveda King. She has been outspoken about abortion throughout her public life and has recently taken the mantle of battling the “anti-racism” tenets of Critical Race Theory. This is why she surprised me with a statement.
Judicial Watch Sues FBI for Records on Garland’s Critical Race Theory Memo
(Madeleine Hubbard) Judicial Watch on Monday announced it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit to obtain records about a memorandum from Attorney General Merrick Garland instructing law enforcement to “address the rise in criminal conduct directed toward school personnel” following heated discussions about Critical Race Theory.
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These 6 States Are Banning Critical Race Theory…”Teachers’ licenses could be revoked”…Schools could face fines up to $5K
(Patty McMurray) Governors and state lawmakers across America are preventing the racist CRT (Critical Race Theory) propaganda from being taught in schools in their states.
Democrats Plan to Double Down on Critical Race Theory, Calling Parents Racist for 2022 Elections – Report
(Jack Hadfield) “Republicans are willing to let white supremacists write curricula.”
North Dakota Bans Critical Race Theory from All Schools
(NWO Report) North Dakota has officially banned Biden’s far-left Critical Race Theory (CRT) from being taught in all public schools in the state.
Capitol Research Center Releases First Video in Series Asking did BLM Really Help Black Americans?
(Just the News staff) The conservative-leaning Capitol Research Center is out with a video series that takes an inside look at the Black Lives Matter movement with a particular focus on whether it has indeed improved the lives of black Americans in Minneapolis and other communities across the country where riots have occurred.
Mom: 6-Year-Old Asked if She Was Born Evil Because She Is White
(Nwo Report) A mother told the Loudoun County school board she removed her children from their public schools after her six-year-old daughter asked her if she was born evil because she is white.
Democrat Terry McAuliffe AGAIN Smears Virginia Parents by Calling Their Concerns About Critical Race Theory “Racist” (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) Democrat Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe AGAIN smeared Virginia parents by calling their concerns about Critical Race Theory (CRT) “racist.”
Former MSNBC Host Labels Condoleezza Rice A “Soldier For Condoleezza Rice” After She Denounced Critical Race Theory
(Steve Watson) Claims “Condoleezza Rice’s recent appearance on The View was offensive and disgusting”
Research Surprise: Embrace of CRT, ‘Diversity’ Agendas in Schools Not Correlated With Race
(Greg Piper) Pilot study of San Diego County school districts finds many dominated by “underrepresented minorities” eschew these controversial concepts.
Video: Condoleezza Rice Blasts Critical Race Theory: “I Don’t Have To Make White Kids Feel Bad For Being White”
(Steve Watson) “This is a conversation that has gone in the wrong direction.”