(Ethan Huff) An alleged “sheriff’s deputy” who announced on Twitter the other day that he was throwing in the towel against law enforcement and joining the “protesters” has been outed as a fake.
crisis actor
Will the Real Crisis Actors Please Stand Up?
(Dylan Charles) It’s been almost 20 years since the massacre at Columbine High School. That was in 1999, when cable news was really just beginning to sinks its teeth into American culture. Related Busted — Crisis Actor Playing 2 Different Roles in Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooting Source – The Waking Times by Dylan Charles, February 22nd, 2018 It was a new […]
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Busted — Crisis Actor Playing 2 Different Roles in Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooting
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following short video claims to have compiled two interviews of a woman, who by all accounts, appears to be a crisis actor on scene at the Fort Lauderdale shooting earlier this year. Other than the raw footage, there isn’t much to work with insofar as verifying the claim. If someone does […]
#PizzaGate “Shooter” is an Actor – His Father Works for the Feds
Source – The Millennium Report by Lift the Veil, December 5th 2016 https://youtu.be/iskO9ckAbaw Published on Dec 5, 2016 The alleged shooter in “PizzaGate” incident at Comet Ping Pong has all of the classic signs of being a psyop. Edgar Maddison Welch is an actor and his father has a disturbing background as well. http://patreon.com/altNews http://altNews.com […]
Video Exposes Crisis Actors Faking an ISIS Car Bombing — Media Reports it as REAL (Video Evidence)
Source – The Free Thought Project by Jay Syrmopoulos, November 22nd 2016 Propaganda is a tool used by governments to control the thought process and understanding of events through intentional manipulation. The goal of which is to frame the world in a view that will be beneficial to the ruling powers and their public policy […]
False Flag Prediction? | Craigslist Ad: Crisis Actors Needed in Colorado USA, November 2016 — For “Security Drills”
Image Source. (Stillness in the Storm Editor) A reader sent me the following Craigslist posting asking for Crisis Actors to be used in Colorado from November 14th through the 17th of this year. The ad was placed by the Security Firm E-9 for actors in the Toronto Canada area. Per the usual M.O. the ad states […]
Orlando Hospital Staffers being FORCED to sign Non-Disclosure Agreements over Gay Nightclub Shooting
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) This article is from the 18th, but still has several points of interest worthy of consideration. I was unable to confirm if hospital employees were in fact forced to sign non-disclosure agreements. If anyone has more information to corroborate this, please contact me [email protected]. At the bottom of this article […]
3 False Flag Predictions? June 23rd, July 26th – 31st | 3 Separate Ads for Crisis Actors and “Military Drills” on Craigslist
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) A reader sent me screenshots from a craigslist ad asking for actors or role players for an upcoming military drill involving a staged attack of some kind in Burlington Vermont. The company that placed the ad, Foreign Language Services Simulation, LLC, was seeking actors to play victims in an attack […]
Orlando Shooting Crisis Actor Caught in Fox News Footage? Red-Shoed Man, Carried Away on Camera Stands Up on Wounded Thigh and Pushes Good Samaritan
Courtesy of Texas Shrugged Book. Screenshot of good samaritan giving cameras a thumbs up after setting a victim of the Orlando shootings on the ground. by Justin Deschamps During the June 12th Orlando Shootings, a Fox News crew captured what presumably was a severely injured man being carried away to nearby paramedics. But just before […]