(Cristina Laila) People were horrified after Madonna posted a creepy video to TikTok on Saturday.
Nancy Pelosi Just Announced She Was Running for Re-Election in Creepiest Way Possible
(Kyle Becker) Speaker Nancy Pelosi, propped up in front of a fake San Francisco backdrop, conventiently scrubbed of the homeless people and drug users that now proliferate in her city’s streets, surprised many political observers and suddenly announced she was running for re-election…
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Creepy Bill Gates Gives Warning of Other Pandemics Far Worse than Covid-19 – Calls on Government to Increase Vaccine Supplies
(Jim Hoft) On Tuesday, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates issued a warning of potential pandemics far worse than the COVID-19 and called on “governments to contribute billions to tackle future pathogens and increase vaccine supplies,” according to a report from Financial Times.
Biden Looks Horrible After His Talk Yesterday – Sits and Ignores Questions with a Creepy Look on His Face
(Joe Hoft) Biden is totally losing it. He sat after a brief talk yesterday and looked lost (again) and creepy. It was weird.
Gruesome ‘killer Christmas’ Display with Skeleton Santa Creeps out Neighbors
(Dean Balsamini) It’s the nightmare before, and on, Christmas.
Creepy Joe Leans Forward and Whispers Into Microphone: “I Think It’s Time to Give Ordinary People a Tax Break… No I Mean It” (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) Joe Biden traveled to La Crosse, Wisconsin on Tuesday to deliver remarks on his infrastructure bill and it was a total dumpster fire.
BREAKING VIDEO: Creepy Whispering Biden Mocks Employers Who Can’t Find Workers…”Pay Them More”
(Leisa Audette) A creepy whispering Joe Biden announced a deal of $579 billion in spending on infrastructure but wants a “companion bill,” or he won’t sign either bill. He says part of the deal will require “reconciliation.” Biden is touting a compromise, but this is no compromise for Republicans or Americans. It’s still $6 trillion in total. Why would a Republican sign onto this porker? Democrats believe the answer is always government but forget that the money comes from the people they’re taxing to death.
Creepy Joe Biden Can’t Keep His Paws Off of Boris Johnson’s Young Wife
(Cristina Laila) Biden paws Carrie Johnson *CRINGE* – photo credit: Daily Mail
New York Governor Cuomo Outed Again – Cuomo Acting Creepy with His Daughter At His Side (Video)
(Joe Hoft) And another… New York Governor Cuomo is outed again. After three women have come forward with accusations of sexual abuse, a video is released showing Cuomo acting creepy with his daughter by his side.