(Jordan Conradson) Youtube boasts 10 million videos removed each quarter with lightning speed so that the majority do not even reach 10 views, on their blog.
1,047 Dead 725,079 Reported Injuries following COVID19 Experimental “Vaccines” Reported in the U.K.
(Brian Shilhavy) The UK Government’s reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency released their latest report today, April 29, 2021.
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SAFETY ALERT: Dr. Judy Mikovitz: The COVID19 “Vaccine” Is a Killing Machine!
(We Love Trump) Red alert! Facebook will ban this message. Twitter will censor it. Google will remove it from the search results.
Kristen Meghan Reveals the BIG MASK LIE – Mike Adams
(Sharibitsis) Health Ranger Mike Adams interviews Kristen Meghan who is a senior industrial hygienist. As a senior industrial hygienist she is an expert and specialist in environmental and occupational toxicology with experience in heavy metal exposure, contact poison exposure, respiratory inhalant exposure, microbiological virology expertise as well as radiation and laser safety. Her career spans so many different realms including public health.
Tennessee Woman Who Died in February Gets Letter Saying She Tested Positive For Covid-19 From a Test Taken in June
(Cristina Laila) A Tennessee man received a letter in mail claiming his mother, who passed away in February of this year from COPD, tested positive for Covid-19 from a test taken in June.
Why This ‘Pandemic’ Is Looking More Like A Social Engineering Experiment
(Richard Enos) Yesterday my wife, a native of Korea, made the arduous trip to her homeland from Toronto in order to help her mother, who had been diagnosed with Stage IV cancer, with the protocols of High-Dose Vitamin C and a natural eating regimen. This hopefully will be an inspiring story in itself as things continue to progress along.
Coronavirus Hoax: Members of Brazil’s Parliament Broke Into Hospital that Claimed to Have 5,000 Infected & 200 Dead from COVID19 – The Hospital Was EMPTY
(Humans Are Free) Breaking news: Members of Parliament of Brazil break into hospital that claimed to have 5,000 infected & 200 deaths from COVID19 and caught them red handed. NOT ONE PERSON, the hospital is empty.
Another Covid Cover Up In China? BBC Reporter Says Numbers Don’t Add Up In New Outbreak
(Steve Watson) The BBC’s correspondent in China has warned that the communist government may be in the midst of a second coronavirus cover up, as a massive police and medical response to a new cluster in Beijing doesn’t tally with the reported number of cases.
THE KEY STAT: 43% Of All U.S. COVID-19 Deaths Come From 0.6% Of The Population
(Eric A. Blair) In a fascinating new analysis published by Forbes, the researchers find data that supports what The Gateway Pundit has been saying for ages: COVID-19 is very dangerous to the elderly — especially in nursing homes — but not so much for everyone else.
New World Order And Coronavirus Plandemic
(Monkey and Elf) In October 2019, a group of 15 businessmen, government officials, and doctors met in New York to plan the global response to a worldwide outbreak of a never-before-seen and completely fictitious coronavirus.
Your “Immunity Passport” Future Begins To Materialize As Airlines Call For Digital ID Tracking Systems
(Derrick Broze) The world’s largest airline trade group has called for immunity passports, thermal screening, masks, and physical distancing to be a part of the industry’s strategy for returning to “normal” operations.
A Fruit Reportedly Tests Positive for COVID-19 — False Positive Conspiracy
(Matt Agorist) Last month, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made headlines with a blunder of epic proportions.
Deep State Exposed: Now Twitter CENSORS Bio-Tech Conmpany’s UV Light Treatment Research After Trump Touted It
(Steve Watson) Following in lockstep with YouTube, Twitter suspended the account of a Colorado biotech company which is working to develop a potential coronavirus treatment using UV light inserted into the lungs. It appears that both social media sites have censored the legitimate research purely because President Trump mentioned it.