(Ethan Huff) The Office for National Statistics (U.K.) has found that ever since Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” were first introduced, deaths among males aged 15-19 have jumped 53 percent.
Covid Vaccination
Proposed Bill Would Make It a Criminal Offense to Ask Anyone About Their Covid Vaccination Status
(Kyle Becker) South Carolina Republicans are introducing a bill that would make it a criminal offense to ask anyone about their Covid vaccination status. H. 4848, the bill under consideration, was introduced on January 20.
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Mayor Bowser Announces DC will Require Proof of Covid Vaccination to Enter Restaurants, Gyms, Bars, Theaters and More
(Cristina Laila) Mayor Muriel Bowser on Wednesday announced that DC will require proof of Covid vaccination to enter restaurants, bars, nightclubs, coffee shops, theaters and more.
Excess Deaths from the ‘Vaccine’ Point to a Depopulation Agenda – Freedom First Network
(Paul Craig Roberts) “I think it’s highly likely that the next phase will involve death [from Covid “vaccine”] on a scale which will dwarf the claims of ‘covid-19 deaths’ to date.” — Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer.
Newsmax to Implement Mandatory Vaccines
(Cassandra Fairbanks) Conservative news network Newsmax informed their staff on Thursday that they will be implementing a vaccine mandate.
Media Blackout: It’s Not Just Southwest Airlines – Air Traffic Controllers in Jacksonville Reportedly Walked Out Friday Night Protesting Mandatory COVID Vaccinations Too
(Joe Hoft) Big Media blacked out the news on Friday night that hundreds of flights out of Jacksonville were cancelled due to walkouts in response to vaccine mandates.
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NY: Yesterday’s COVID Heroes To Be Stripped Of Unemployment Benefits…May Be Replaced With Members of National Guard
(Patty McMurray) The Left will fight to the death for a women’s rights to kill her children, but when it comes to the right of their fellow American to decide if they want a COVID vaccination that after only one year of being introduced, already needs a booster shot to effectively protect its recipient from the CCP virus—the Left believes they should have no such right.
Covid Vaccination Status Increasingly Determines Treatment Under American Legal System
(Greg Piper) Are you vaccinated against COVID-19? The answer to that question may determine how the American legal system treats you, whether an inmate, party or even lawyer.
Coroner Rules BBC Presenter’s Death from Blood Clots Directly Linked to Vaccine
(Adan Salazar) The 44-year-old BBC Newcastle presenter died in May after complaining about “severe” headaches for about a week following her first dose of the jab.
Military Troops Now Report Being Forced to Wear ‘ARM BANDS’ to Prove Vaccine Status
(Kyle Becker) Military troops at a southern military base have come forward with information that red arm bands have been introduced in the U.S. Armed Forces to indicate they have not been vaccinated for Covid-19.
San Francisco to Require Proof of Covid Vaccination to Enter Restaurants, Gyms, Bars, Theaters
(Cristina Laila) California – San Francisco announced it will require people to prove they are fully vaccinated against Covid in order to go to restaurants, gyms, theaters, bars, clubs and other indoor establishments.
Stunning Report – 95% Of Severely Ill Covid Patients Are Vaccinated [Video]
(B.K. House) It’s shocking to come across information that shows that it’s vaccinated individuals who make up the majority of new cases, hospitalizations, and deaths due to covid. Finding the information is the shocking part since anything contrary to the left’s agenda is being filtered, censored, and silenced.
Google Turns Android Phones Into Vaccine Passports
(Nolan Barton) Android phones can now save and display coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination cards, essentially making them a digital vaccine passport.
Fully Vaccinated Woman Dies of Covid-19 in ‘Rare Breakthrough Case’ – Family Blames Unvaccinated Person for Her Death
(Cristina Laila) A fully vaccinated woman died of Covid-19 in what is being called a ‘rare’ breakthrough case.
Judge Reminds CDC It Doesn’t Make the Law in Huge Ruling Against Vaccine Passports
(Michael Austin, The Western Journal) Thanks to one federal judge in Florida, Friday brought a huge victory for those of us hoping to preserve some semblance of American liberty.