(Breitbart London) LONDON (AP) – British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is scrapping the last domestic coronavirus restrictions in England, including the requirement for people with COVID-19 to self-isolate, even as he acknowledged Monday the potential for new and more deadly variants of the virus.
COVID rules
Majority of Canadians Now Want COVID Rules to End After Trucker Revolt
(Paul Joseph Watson) Massive 15 point swing in sentiment suggests trucker are not “fringe minority.”
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People Can Go to the Pub, but Not To Work? Wales Dishes Out Senseless COVID Rules
(Mary Villareal) People can now be fined for showing up at work based on the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) rules recently introduced in Wales. But the Welsh people, it appears, are still free to go to the pubs
Biden Goes Full Schizophrenic on Ever-Changing COVID Rules and Lies
(Larry Johnson) I have referenced the bizarre fantasy of Alice In Wonderland in previous posts about Crazy Joe Biden and his precipitous fall into the depths of dementia, but today took the cake. We have entered a lunatic asylum not envisioned by Lewis Carroll. For starters, Joe Biden wants to re-impose a mask mandate on vaccinated Americans in order to protect them from Covid while flinging open the border with Mexico and allowing hundreds of thousands of Covid infected, non-vaccinated illegals to enter the United States and then be shipped to states other than Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.
Heroic: DeSantis to Pardon Those Charged for Defying Covid Rules
(Nicholas Sherman) DeSantis said he will issue pardons in the next couple of weeks.