(Richard Enos) Bre Payton was a writer for the conservative online news magazine The Federalist and a guest commentator on the Fox News Channel. And she was a rising star.
cover up
Illuminati Insider | Survivors Speak Out on Remembering: Part One
(Svali) Part one: **Important: part of this article contains discussion of survivor memories. If you are a survivor of ritual abuse, please be aware that reading about it may be triggering, and do not read if you become uncomfortable**
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Illuminati Insider | Why the Cult Doesn’t Get Caught
(Svali) When confronted with the possibility that ritual abuse may occur, one of the first questions people ask is: “But if it’s real, why aren’t they caught?”. In other words, how can an organized society meet and execute rituals in secret, yet not leave any incriminating evidence which may lead to a conviction? How can such secrecy possibly be maintained in this day and age? Surely they would leave behind a ‘trail’ that would alert others as to what was happening.
NASA, Harvard, and the Pentagon Are All Taking UFOs Seriously Now
(Alex Hollings) This past Monday, a paper written by Silvano Colombano, a researcher at NASA’s Ames Research Center, made international headlines thanks to the paper’s assertion that our planet may have been visited by extraterrestrial life. The ensuing media frenzy, Colombano admits, lost sight of his actual points in favor of exaggerated headlines and click-bait assertions… but the deeper premise remains: the idea of alien life is continuing to gain acceptance among the world’s preeminent scientists and experts.
Earth Catastrophe Cycle | $21 Trillion (Part 3)
Earth Catastrophe Cycle | $21 Trillion
UFO Researchers Go Mainstream — Labeled “Conspiracy Theorists” by MSM (Michael Salla and Jordan Sather)
(Justin Deschamps) Two Ufology researchers and presenters, Dr. Michael Salla and Jordan Sather, were recently smeared with the “conspiracy theory” label in the following article. It appears to be an attempt by the MSM to discredit honest investigation into the UFO question. The obvious lack of integrity and propaganda tone to the article speaks volumes to those who are well versed in efforts by the Deep State to discredit anything not apart of the agenda.
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The Biggest Secrets of the Space Program Documentary
The Biggest Secrets of the Space Program Documentary
The Most Secret Space Program Mission EVER Recorded Documentary
The Most Secret Space Program Mission EVER Recorded Documentary
The Top UFO Sightings For 2018 You May Or May Not Have Missed
(Corbin Black) In September the two major online sites for documenting UFO sightings reported a drastic drop in sightings since 2014. Both the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and the National UFO Reporting Center say that the numbers of sightings this year were at just 55 percent of those during 2014.
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Steven Greer Reveals 3-Billion-Dollar Black Project and Secret Underground Base
Steven Greer Reveals 3-Billion-Dollar Black Project and Secret Underground Base
Top 10 UFO Physical Traces Cases That Even Skeptics Have A Hard Time Explaining
Top 10 UFO Physical Traces Cases That Even Skeptics Have A Hard Time Explaining
Documents Reveal How Monsanto & The EPA Bury Cancer Research
(Arjun Walia) Major corporations have completely taken over government policy, as a powerhouse conglomerate of government & corporate collusion seems to have expanded its tentacles across the entire globe. It’s a huge problem that plagues our world today, and it’s something that’s constantly made clear by evidence, like the documents revealed in this article, or from those who work directly within these corporations and government agencies.
NASA Scientist Admits There May Be Some UFO Sightings That Cannot Be ‘Explained or Denied’
(Jasper Hamill) In a piece of research produced earlier this year, S. P. Colombano from the Nasa Ames Research Center called for an investigation into UFOs and said that some of the sightings could deserve to be taken seriously rather than dismissed out of hand.
UFOs and the Power of Hollywood
(Robbie Graham) UFOs are naturally cinematic. They shimmer, they glow, they glide majestically. Though factual, UFOs are also the stuff of great science-fiction, so it is no surprise that they have always sold well at the box-office.
Bizarre Truth of WHY People DISAPPEAR in National Parks, Missing 411 [Part 2/2]
Bizarre Truth of WHY People DISAPPEAR in National Parks, Missing 411 [Part 2/2]