(Virgilio Marin) Researchers are plumbing the depths of Mauna Loa in Hawaii to study the volcano’s lava tubes. The researchers wear bulky suits like those required for space exploration while navigating volcanic terrain and conducting research. Besides studying the environment and organisms living there, the team’s goal is to prepare for the unique challenges of living in space, particularly on Mars and the moon.
Oxford Researcher: Humanity Should Look for Star-sized Structures Called “Dyson Spheres” To Find Aliens
(Virgilio Marin) Anders Sandberg of the University of Oxford suggests looking for hypothetical star-sized structures called Dyson spheres to find aliens. He notes that if advanced alien civilizations do exist, they may have built one of these spheres and used it as a supercomputer, solar-capture technology or habitat.
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Ancient Events and Cosmic Cycles Are Connected, Randall Carlson Brilliantly Explains How (Video)
Ancient Events and Cosmic Cycles Are Connected, Randall Carlson Brilliantly Explains How