More and More People Claim They Are In Contact with “Star Nations” (Extraterrestrial Civilizations)
Navy Officers Say ‘Unknown Individuals’ Made Them Erase Evidence of 2004 UFO Encounter
(Yasemin Saplakoglu) Several Navy officers who witnessed the now-famous Nimitz UFO encounter in 2004 say “unknown individuals” showed up after the event and made them turn over data recordings and videos, according to Popular Mechanics.
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The Dulce Papers – Chapter 8 – an Alien Fifth Column on Earth?
(Orbman) The mysterious “government insider” whose books have been published by Tim Beckley’s Abelard Press of New York, “Commander X,” related a very interesting incident which involved the subterranean mega-complex beneath Dulce, New Mexico.
Astronomers Just Pinpointed The Origin of a Single Fast Radio Burst For The First Time
(Science Alert) Every now and again, our radio telescopes capture a mystery. A single flash, as powerful in radio wavelengths as half-a-billion Suns, condensed into a burst that lasts just a few milliseconds at most. Now, for the very first time, astrophysicists have traced one of these one-off fast radio bursts (FRBs) to its source.
Sightings of UFOs in Argentina Continue after a Swiss Man Builds a Landing Pad and Disappears
(Ancient Code) UFO sightings in Argentina have been frequent in recent years. The sightings follow the bizarre story of a man from Switzerland who traveled to the small town of Cachi to create a spectacular landing pad for aliens called an “ovniport.” Similar to the Nazca Lines of Peru, the ovniport pattern is visible from the air.
Expert UFO Disclosure: We Are Coming Very Close To Truth About ETs
Expert UFO Disclosure – We Are Coming Very Close To Truth About ETs
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UFOs: The Psychic Dimension Part 3
(David Pratt) Studies show that the probability of a UFO close encounter peaks between 1 and 3 am, and that they are most likely to occur in remote and sparsely populated areas. Some examples of close encounters (mainly CE3s) are given below. They tend to contain elements of ’high strangeness’, and show that credible people sometimes report incredible things.
“They Live Underground” – Indigenous Elders Share Stories About “Star People” Living Inside The Earth
(Arjun Walia) “Belief in subterranean worlds has been handed down as myths or legends among generations of people from all over the world. For example, Socrates spoke of huge hollows within the Earth that were inhabited and vast caverns where rivers flowed. The Cherokee Indians tell that when they first came to the southeastern United States, they found many well-tended gardens but not the people who cared for them. Eventually, they discovered a group of people who lived underground and came out only at night to tend the gardens. They harvested the food and took it underground to their cities.These people were small, had blue skin and large black eyes. The sun rays were too harsh for them so they built their cities underground and only came out at night using the light of the moon. The Cherokee called them the ‘Moon People.'”
74 Year Old Describes & Paints His Encounters With Extraterrestirals Since Childhood
(Arjun Walia) David Huggins, a man from New Jersey, is one of thousands of documented abductees who have come forward to share their story. The most fascinating aspect of extraterrestrial abductees is the fact that all of them share practically the exact same story, the same description of the beings involved, and similar experiences during the abduction coupled with telepathic messages.
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Alien Messages That Are So Bizarre We Cannot Even Begin to Grasp Them
Alien Messages That Are So Bizarre We Cannot Even Begin to Grasp Them
Are Scientists, Inventors, and World Leaders Having Extraterrestrial Contact to Help Humanity?
(Ken Rohla) James Gilliland is the founder of Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ECETI), an organization to help with public awareness of the extraterrestrial reality and to assist people with connecting to positive otherworldly beings. At his ECETI Ranch in Washington state, James hosts contact events in the beautiful wilderness there. You can see below an amazing UFO flyover at ECETI Ranch during one of their contact events.
Has the Truth About Alien Contact Been Discovered?
Has the Truth About Alien Contact Been Discovered?
The Pentagon UFO Program: Key Points That The Mainstream Media Completely Ignored
(Arjun Walia) First off, the fact that the official disclosure of Unidentified Flying Objects has happened is huge, and those who are avid researchers of the phenomenon saw this one coming.
What Were The Mysterious Foo Fighters Seen By Fighter Pilots Around the World?
(Ivan) A Royal Airforce Pilot flying a Hurricane interceptor reported in December of 1942 that he witnessed two lights shooting from the ground toward his 7,000-foot cruising altitude while he was flying over France.
Former RAF Officer Recalls Mindblowing UFO Encounter in 1985
(Nirmal Narayanan)A former Royal Air Force (UK) officer who served the force from 1941 to 1946 has opened up about some UFO encounter he had in 1985. The man who wished to be unnamed, revealed that he had witnessed a triangular UFO hovering over Borehamwood in Britain.