(JD Heyes) Supporters of President Donald Trump, including those who did not vote for him, had the best champion of ‘the little guy and gal’ in the Oval Office in our lifetimes.
WHOA! THE Roadmap to Stop Joe Biden No One is Talking About
(Dinesh D’Souza) This is a monologue that every conservative needs to watch and then share.
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Conservatives Need to Defend High Culture [Protect What’s Objectively Good and Right]
(Paul Krause) It is no secret that art, sacred art, and beauty more generally, are under assault. New “multicultural” guidelines are dictating how art is to be constructed and rewarded. Artistic talent is shunned in favor of diversity quotas. The way to be an artist and art critic, nowadays, is to cry racism or sexism.
We Need a New CIVIL RIGHTS Law to Protect the Modern-day Oppressed: Conservatives, Christians and Whites
(Humans Are Free) It’s illegal in America to discriminate against women because they’re women. It’s also illegal to discriminate against Blacks because of the color of their skin.
College Democrats, Satanists and Witches Team Up to Shut Down Young Conservatives of Texas Chapter
(Cassandra Fairbanks) The UNT College Democrats teamed up with the GLAAD Alliance and MUEVE, a liberal “latinx” org, on a petition to remove the conservative organization from campus. The anti-free speech crusade, which has already gathered over 2,500 signatures, lead to the chapter’s chairman Kelly Neidert receiving a wide array of hate messages and threats.
Big Tech’s Censorship of Conservatives Was Orchestrated in Advance of the Attempted Marxist Uprising in Order to Create the False Appearance That Everyone Is with the Rioters
(Ethan Huff) For the past several years, every major social media platform has been systematically “canceling” all of the loudest voices contradicting the leftist narrative. And as we can all now see with the George Floyd riots, this was purposely done well in advance to make it seem as though the entire world is now on board with the “Black Lives Matter” Marxist agenda.
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Why Conservatives and Liberals Are Responding to COVID-19 in Vastly Different Ways
(The Free Thought Project) (FEE)In a 2008 TED Talk, psychologist Jonathan Haidt said the worst idea in psychology is the notion that humans are born as a “blank slate.”