(Nick Monroe) “Calvin, as a white woman I can tell you that the Church IS institutionally racist,” the Bishop of London said.
SICK PEOPLE: WaPo and Taylor Lorenz Dox Conservative Twitter User – Publish Her Home Address and Then Lie About It
(Jim Hoft) The fake news mainstream Marxists hit another new low today.
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New Movie by Conservative Filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza Seeks To Prove 2020 Election Had Widespread Voter Fraud
(Ashley Sadler) In the ambitious new film, D’Souza highlights footage and data that he argues prove there was a concerted effort to stuff ballot boxes in key swing states, tilting the election in Joe Biden’s favor.
Capitol Punishment Producer and Conservative Actor Nick Searcy Reveals Stunning Inside Story About What Really Happened on Jan 6th: “It Was Amazing How Much of It Was an Operation” [Video]
(Patty McMurray) CAPITOL PUNISHMENT: Everything They Told You Is A Lie was released on Thanksgiving Day.
Video: Conservative Ezra Levant Denied Mortgage Due to Political Views
(Jim Hoft) Ezra Levant is the founder of the popular Canadian conservative news website Rebel News.
Conservative Think Tank Sues California Over Forced Diversity Quotas on Corporate Boards
(Sophie Mann) The National Center for Public Policy Research argues that government does not have the right to coerce diversity appointments.
Jen Psaki Reveals Joe Biden Does Intend to Run for Re-Election 2024
(Martin Walsh) White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said on Monday that Joe Biden intends to run for re-election in 2024.
Conservative Politician Blasted For Claiming French Are Being “Ethnically Cleansed” by Migrants
(Paul Joseph Watson) MP reports Gilles Platret to the authorities over controversial comments.
Newsom ‘Wins’ Conservative Orange County 52.6% – 47.4% in Rigged Recall Election
(Cristina Laila) California Governor Gavin Newsom survived the rigged recall election on Tuesday.
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EXCLUSIVE: Conservative Aussie Firebrands Sue the Tyrannical Australia Government on Behalf of the Australian People – You Can Help
(Joe Hoft) STONE THE CROWS! AUSSIES are standing up to the tyrannical Australian government.
A Conservative Climate Expert’s Answer to Global ‘Lukewarming’: Grow the Economy
(Natalia Mittelstadt) Since 1980, damage and deaths per capita as a result of weather have dramatically dropped, says Patrick Michaels, former state climatologist of Virginia.
Project Veritas Strikes Again! Racist AOC Assumes All Blacks Think Alike – Had To Be Rescued By Staffers When She Mistook A Black Conservative For An Obedient Democrat Voter [VIDEO]
(B.K. House) Poor AOC was caught off guard when a creature she never knew existed; a conservative black man, approached indicating he’d like his picture taken with her.
Doctor Ronny Jackson Calls For Biden To Have Cognitive Testing Done
(Carmine Sabia) The man who used to be the White House doctor for former President Obama, who has now become a congressman, has serious concerns about the cognitive ability of Joe Biden and he wants to have it checked.
Federal Judge Halts Biden’s Race Based Relief Program
(Carmine Sabia) Joe Biden just got slapped down by a federal judge who said that his plan to provide relief to farmers of color caused grave constitutional concerns.
#FreeLucas: His Youth Has Been Stolen…His Rights Have Been Violated…His Future is In Question…One Of The Most Disturbing Cases Of Injustice You Will Ever Read
(Patty McMurray) Lucas Gerhard is a 21-year-old man. Instead of celebrating his graduation from Lake Superior State University in Sault St. Marie, MI, in the criminal justice field and looking for a job in law enforcement, Lucas is locked down in his father’s home, wearing an ankle bracelet.