(Joe Jarvis) The most effective way to change the world if you have kids is to treat them right. Everything could change in one generation if there were a radical shift in parenting. Source – The Daily Bell by Joe Jarvis, May 07, 2017 Unfortunately, some indicators suggest things are getting worse. For instance, there […]
consent of governed
Congress Quietly Ends Federal Government’s Ban On Medical Marijuana
Updated – December 27th 2015 – This article was 2014, and according to the article here, the action had an expiration data of September 2015. I cannot confirm if federal raids were in fact suspended during that period of time. Despite this, the points I bring up below are still valid. Yes you just read […]
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Biometric Data Harvesting At Birth | Did You Know You Also Have a Uniform Birth Number?
The government has been secretly collecting biometric data of it’s citizens for decades. This data is the signature for our organism such as finger prints, blood samples, DNA and so on. Birth Certification is a mandatory practice in most countries, with many hospitals refusing to release new parents without having a Certificate of Live Birth […]
Debt Contesting Essentials – Contract, Consent and Conditional Acceptance | Unsecured Debt Can Be Terminated
For the average person living in society today, debt is an ever-present concern. Most of the money we make during the course of our lives goes to paying back debts for cars, housing, medical expenses, and so on. But what if almost all debt was an elaborate fraud and could be contested lawfully? The following article […]
The Power of Knowledge Demonstrated (Video) | LA Resident Knows His Rights And Schools The Police
Update – Apparently the video is not showing up for some readers. I have added the raw link above the video which can be pasted into a new tab. The hidden aspect of our justice system is slowly becoming unearthed in these shifting times. The average citizen of corporatized nations are led to believe that […]
11 Tactics Used By The Mainstream Media to Manufacture Consent For The Oligarchy
The system must gain our consent for many reasons which we described in the post: How the Cabal Maintains Their Power And What You Need To Do To Stop It – Un-Consent | Beyond BRICS: Exposing the Rats The method for gaining our consent ranges, but is always a working on the mind to box […]
Use Your Inalienable Rights | D.C. Circuit Judge Gives Advice on How to Talk to Police
Here is yet another Judge confirming the fact that systems of ‘justice’ and any government obligation is only ever consensual. The problems come when we forget or never exercise our rights to contract and issue non-consent when we are able. Of course the truth is, there are no lawful or de jure governments and as […]
UNITY of Non-Consent | Are You Ready To Be Free?
Dani of RTS has taken up the torch of non-consent which is sweeping the planet right now. This year means a great deal to the Cabal, as we shared in the post Signs That The Elite Are Feverishly Preparing For Something BIG | Are We Going To Take Action?. Our duty to stand in truth, and un-consent […]
The National Debt Is Not For Americans To Payback | History of The Corporate Takeover of The Continental United States
This is yet another empowering disclosure by Judge Anna. The National Debt, which has been the cause of so much anxiety in the past 10 years, is in fact a foreign debt incurred by the USA, Inc. The people are in fact the creditors of this debt, and are owed vast sums by the foreign […]
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Why Un-Consenting To Slavery Is Needed | Archbishop of Chicago Confirms: The People Keep the Cabal In Power
The original image was incorrect. This image uses the correct Archbishop. In a letter from the Archbishop of Chicago from July of 2014, he clearly indicates that the Cabal and the criminals who run the United States, are kept in power by the “electorate.” This is a mandate from the people to be ruled by […]
Will 2015 Be The Year of Freedom or More Slavery? | Our Participation Is Needed to Un-Consent – Key Info from Judge Anna Von Reitz
For all the updates regarding this people’s action for freedom, click here. The time for real change has come upon us. More than ever, people all over the world are growing dissatisfied with the current state of affairs on earth, feeling a powerful sense that something is wrong with this world. This is the best climate to […]
Common Law and Authoritarianism based on Natural Law Principles? – The Cyrus Cylinder and the ancient proclamation of human rights
The Cyrus Cylinder is a Common Law Proclamation, an Authority settles disputes when our Natural Law rights are infringed upon. To use this system is to accept a third party as adjudicator. And the presumption created by anyone invoking this proclamation, when it was applicable, is that the king – and his officers – is […]
A Practical Lesson in Common Law Versus Natural Law
This post describes perfectly the difference between Common Law and Natural law. Common Law presumes consent on your part to what society has stated in relation to certain ‘crimes’, and also presumes you accept the penalty associated with that crime, along with the court’s jurisdiction that they can decide the outcome. Natural Law is not […]
Natural News: U.S. government awards millions in contracts to companies owned by fictitious people
Source (NaturalNews) One of the major problems with the size of the American bureaucratic state is the fact that it is difficult, if not impossible, to manage. Oversight of programs is haphazard and spotty, if it exists at all, and the few people assigned to ensure that the American taxpayer isn’t being mistreated face the […]
Brian Kelly’s Blog: Federal Children Exposed
Source Federal Children ExposedAugust 12, 2013 I’m posting this article because it’s sourced with a lot of great references. When we collectively become aware of corruption, we collectively free ourselves from the corrupt. ~BK Original article here. Federal Children/through fraud and deception the federal corporation thinks they own you and your children. In 1921, the federal […]