(Arjun Walia) Mark Zuckerberg was recently confronted by Senator Bill Posey from Florida during a hearing on Capitol Hill about Facebook’s recent censorship on information about vaccine safety. Zuckerberg shared that they are simply conforming with the general scientific consensus, and do their best to censor information that may be harmful to people. This really shows his unawareness about vaccine safety, and he also used the term “anti-vaccine.”
Mueller Testimony Means One Thing: Russiagate Is Over
(Adrian Norman) This morning, former Special Counsel Robert Mueller testified before the House Judiciary Committee about his report on allegations of collusion with the Russians to influence the 2016 election and of obstruction of the investigation of that alleged collusion. It was a complete disaster for Democrats.
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Lyme Disease: Government Bioweapon? House Quietly Orders Pentagon to Tell Congress If It Released Weaponized Ticks
(Emma Fiala) The Pentagon may have weaponized ticks and then released them—either accidentally or purposefully.
Trump & Congress Briefed on US Navy Pilot UFO Sightings–The Connection to Space Force & Disclosure
(Dr Michael Salla) President Trump and members of the US Congress have recently received briefings about US Navy pilot sightings of UFOs. When combined with the Pentagon acknowledging that it had created a classified program to study the UFOs from 2007 to 2012 with Congressional funding, the briefings are leading to increasing speculation on whether we are on the verge of official disclosure on UFOs and their true origin.
Shadow Profiles: Facebook Knows about You, Even If You’re Not on Facebook
(Andrew Quodling) Facebook’s founder and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg faced two days of grilling before US politicians this week, following concerns over how his company deals with people’s data. But the data Facebook has on people who are not signed up to the social media giant also came under scrutiny.
House Judiciary Committee Votes To Hold Barr In Contempt Over Unredacted Mueller Report
(Zero Hedge) In a move that came as no surprise, the Democratic controlled House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday voted to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt for his refusal to hand over an unredacted copy of the Mueller report.
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Good News: H.R.24 and H.R.25 Bills Submitted to US 116th Congress (2019-2020) Call For A Full Audit of The FED System & Abolishing the IRS by repealing All Taxes!
(Edward Morgan) On January 3rd, 2019 H.R.24 and H.R.25 Bills were Submitted to the US Congress House Committee:
GROUNDBREAKING: Hemp Is Officially Legalized As President Trump Signs The New Farm Bill
(Joe Martino) Hemp used to be legal once in the US, until it was controversially made illegal. But this changed today, President Donald Trump just signed the Farm Bill, legalizing industrial hemp in the United States once again.
WATCH: Three Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers To Testify About Tax Fraud, Pay-For-Play
(Zero Hedge) Following allegations of sloppy accounting, potential tax fraud and pay-to-play, the Clinton Foundation will be under a Congressional microscope this week after three whistleblowers have come forward and agreed to testify – one of whom secretly submitted 6,000 pages of documents to the IRS and FBI in August of 2017, and all three of whom have submitted various documents to Congressional investigators. (Watch complete hearing below)
Anna Von Reitz — House Joint Resolution 192 and Congressional “Intent”
(Anna Von Reitz) I have been asked to comment on HJR 192 and the whole subject of Congressional Intent.
After Multiple States Resisted, Feds Propose Bill To Legalize Growing Hemp—NATIONALLY
(Rachel Blevins) A bipartisan group of senators is pledging their support to a bill that would finally legalize hemp as an agricultural commodity.
19 Questions Mark Zuckerberg Strangely Couldn’t Answer During His Senate Hearing
(Jay Syrmopoulos) Here are all the questions Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg backed out of or couldn’t answer during his Senate hearing this week.
US Senator Demands Zuckerberg ‘Be Subpoenaed’ to Testify Under Oath
(Jake Johnson) As the damning details of Facebook’s largest-ever data breach at the hands of pro-Trump data firm Cambridge Analytica continue to pour in—and as the social media giant’s share price continues to plummet as a result—Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) on Monday called on CEO Mark Zuckerberg to “testify under oath” before Congress to explain why his company took so long to notify users that their information had been compromised.
Crypto Revolution: AZ Senate Passes Bill Officially Recognizing Bitcoin as Money
(Matt Agorist) Last year, the state of Arizona went after the federal government’s attack on gold and silver by eliminating the capital gains taxes on precious metals. This paved the way to deal a massive blow to the Federal Reserve and end their monopoly on money. Related CEO of JP Morgan Chase: ALL Cryptocurrency Will Be Under […]
CNN and WaPo Working on 20-40 Sexual Misconduct Stories
Michael Trujillo (ZeroHedge) CNN and Washington Post are working on exposing “20-30 congressional members” for sexual harassment, claims Michael Trujillo, former LA City Commissioner and Hillary Clinton’s California Field Director during her 2008 bid for the White House. Related Sen. Al Franken Sexual Assault Accusations | True News (Video) Source – ZeroHedge by Tyler Durden, […]