(Sara Tipton) COVID has been running rampant on college campuses in spite of high vaccination rates, and many college kids went back to their respective campuses without flu essentials. And, let’s be honest, most college kids can’t afford to go out and buy lots of flu supplies.
Middlebury College in Vermont Goes Ballistic Over New “COVID” Outbreak, Which Occurred Despite 99% Vaccination Rate
(Ethan Huff) Even though almost everyone at the school is already “fully vaccinated” for the Tony Fauci Virus (Covid-19), Middlebury College in Vermont is imposing another round of medical fascism in response to a handful of new “cases” that were detected on campus.
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Party Of Hate: Polling Shows Democrats Despise, Discriminate Against Republican Peers
(Frankie Stockes) Recent polling data shows that the Democrat Party is truly the party of hate, with a super-majority of Democrat college students admitting that they dislike and even discriminate against their conservative-minded peers and fellow Americans. Figures compiled among college-aged Republicans show the opposite, with only tiny fractions of those young people saying the same.
College Withheld Exonerating Evidence From Student Who Went to Prison for Sexual Assault
(Greg Piper) Astudent who spent 16 months locked up before a second jury cleared him of sexual assault is now trying to hold his public university accountable for the role it played in his prosecution and destruction of his reputation.
College Students Beg For Ammo As Millennials And Gen Z Embrace Guns
(Tyler Durden) Not too long ago, we wrote a response to something that prominent gun activist David Hogg said on Twitter. He believes that all gun owners are old fogey dinosaurs and will somehow “die out one day.” When they do, all the young people will usher in the utopia where nothing bad happens, and there will be no more evil guns.
No Vaccine, No College? Physicians Group Urges Students to Fight Back
(Art Moore) Many colleges and universities have announced they will require students planning to return to campus this fall to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, explaining their aim is to “protect the health and safety of the community.”
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JOE BIDEN: “In the 10 year Period Between 14 to 24…Excuse Me, Between…Uh…10 and 20…2010 and 2020” [VIDEO]
(Patty McMurray ) This afternoon, while delivering a speech on economic recovery at Tri-C Community College in Cleveland, Ohio, a state where he took a beating in the 2020 election, Joe Biden discussed his plans to take a wrecking ball to the incredible economy he inherited from Trump. The only problem with Joe’s explanation is that, as usual, much of what Joe is telling the American public doesn’t make sense.
No COVID Vax, No College? Should Young People Risk their Health and Fertility Just to Attend College?
(Jane M. Orient, M.D.) Students looking forward to getting back to college are getting letters from 100 to 200 colleges notifying them of a new prerequisite: getting fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
Mike Rowe: I Don’t Want To Pay For Your Useless College Degree
(Jordan Davidson) In a Facebook post Monday, TV host and personality Mike Rowe denounced student loan forgiveness and encouraged people to reconsider taking on debt for a four-year degree that may not even land them a job.
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Why Are So Many Top-Tier College Girls Turning To ‘Soft Prostitution’?
(Zero Hedge) Are you a rich guy who wants to bang debt-laden college girls with all your extra money?
Mental Health Problems—The Sad “New Normal” on College Campuses
(Children’s Health Network) College campuses are witnessing record levels of student mental health problems, ranging from depression and anxiety disorders to self-injurious behaviors and worse. A clinician writing a few years ago in Psychology Today proclaimed it neither “exaggeration” nor “alarmist” to acknowledge that young Americans are experiencing “greater levels of stress and psychopathology than any time in the nation’s history”—with ramifications that are “difficult to overstate.”
Texas Governor Signs Sweeping New Law Protecting Free Speech On College Campuses
(Jennifer Kabbany) Declares outdoor areas public forums, punishes students who interfere with others’ speech
The College Admissions Scandal Is A Perfect Example Of How Deeply Corrupt America Has Become
(Michael Snyder) Is there anything left in this country that has not been deeply tainted by corruption? By now you have probably heard that dozens of people have been arrested for participating in a multi-million dollar college admissions scam. Enormous amounts of money were paid out in order to ensure that children from very wealthy families were able to get into top schools such as Yale University, Stanford University, the University of Texas and the University of Southern California.
Trump To Require Colleges To Support Free Speech If They Want Federal Funds
(Jon Street) President Donald Trump announced Saturday that he intends to sign a new executive order. The executive order would tie federal funds to colleges’ support of free speech.