(Ramon Tomey) Drugstore chain Walgreens has recently announced the closure of five more stores in San Francisco. The company confirms to KCBS 106.9 that the stores will close in November due to “ongoing organized retail crime.” Walgreens says customers who need their prescriptions filled will be redirected to other branches near the affected locations.
Walmart, UPS and FedEx Commit to Working More Shifts To Deal With Global Supply Disruptions… but Will It Matter?
(Mary Villareal) The White House announced Wednesday, Oct. 13, that Walmart, UPS and FedEx are moving to work more shifts to deal with global supply disruptions that have contributed to a surge in inflation. The announcement was made ahead of President Joe Biden’s meeting with the heads of those companies to address the supply chain bottlenecks before the Christmas season.
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The U.S. Is Destroying Its Own Health Care Infrastructure by Attacking the People Who Remember What Medicine Means
(Ethan Huff) The medical profession is fast becoming an unattractive prospect to young people, many of whom are not at all interested in become just another Big Pharma pawn.
Labor and Energy Shortages: The Cracks in the Economy Are Showing
(Ramon Tomey) The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had a negative impact on the U.S. at large. However, an impending economic collapse – with the economy showing signs of it – is threatening to make things worse. The recent shortages in manpower and energy reported in various parts of the world can attest to this.
EXCLUSIVE: COVID Relief Funds Distributed to Cities and States Require Full Compliance With Biden Vax Mandates; Counties Can Use Money To Bankrupt and REPLACE Local Businesses
(Mike Adams) As part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, so-called “Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds” are distributed to states which then deposit those funds into the bank accounts of counties and cities.
Clown World: D.C. Elites Consider Minting ‘Trillion-Dollar Coin’ to Game Debt Limit
(News Editors) WASHINGTON (AP) — Some politicians think they’ve found a silver bullet for the impasse over the debt limit, except the bullet is made of platinum: Mint a $1 trillion coin, token of all tokens, and use it to flood the treasury with cash and drive Republicans crazy.
Lebanon Plunged Into Darkness, India Faces Rolling Blackouts, NYC Pharmacy Shelves BARE as Global Collapse Accelerates, Leading to Rolling Blackouts Across the USA
(Mike Adams)Retail shelves at CVS, Walgreens and Duane Reade stores are now “virtually bare” in NYC, warns the UK Daily Mail in a Sunday news story. “Shelves in pharmacies across New York City have been left nearly barren because supplies are not getting through amid an ongoing global squeeze,” the paper reports, citing collapse of the global supply chain.
Tech Companies Amass Large Portfolios of New Properties During Pandemic
(Mary Villareal) The biggest U.S. companies are sitting on huge piles of cash, and they are running out of ways to spend it. So now, they are putting their money in a lot of commercial real estate.
Massive Power Outages Rock Louisiana, Will Take 30 Days to Restore… Are You Prepared for a Grid down Scenario?
(Ethan Huff) As of this writing, nearly one million energy customers in Louisiana are still without power due to Hurricane Ida, and officials are warning that it could take up to a month to get things fully restored.
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Students Among 1,500 Americans Still Trapped in Afghanistan
(Nolan Barton) Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on Wednesday, Aug. 25, said in a press conference that roughly 1,500 Americans are still trapped in Afghanistan as the U.S. continues to rely on the Taliban to allow safe passage to Kabul airport.
Worsening Shipping Crisis Will Affect Retail Supply Lines and Shopping for Holidays
(Mary Villareal) The world’s network of ports, container vessels, and trucking companies that allow goods to move globally has been tangled due to the pandemic, and the cost of shipping is skyrocketing.
Now It Makes Sense: Biden Wanted out of Afghanistan so His Chinese Masters Could Take Control of Lithium Deposits Ahead of Electric Car Push
(JD Heyes) As president, Donald Trump literally made the United States energy independent for the first time since the 1960s, and no matter how you feel about the use of fossil fuels for energy, you have to admit that for now, they are more practical, less expensive, and far more widespread than any other form of energy.
Grocery Prices Skyrocket 31 Percent in One Year as Lockdowns, Drought and Money Printing Unleash Food Inflation
(Mary Villareal) Food prices in July were up 31 percent from the same month in 2020, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. This rise is fueled by supply chain disruption and extreme weather conditions.
Witness Video Taken 8 Minutes Before Miami Building Collapse Blows Hole in Media Narrative
(Kyle Becker) Eyewitness video taken just eight minutes before a condominium building collapsed in Surfside, Florida in Miami-Dade County is throwing the entire catastrophic incident in a new light.
Before Florida Building Collapsed, 2018 Report Found It Needed More than $9 Million in Repairs
(Alex Nitzberg) “At the time of the building collapse, roof repairs were under way, but concrete restoration had not yet begun,” a statement from Morabito Consultants said.