(Mary Villareal) The annoying common cold may yet turn out to be a blessing if researchers with the Imperial College London are correct. Since the pandemic started, researchers have speculated that coronaviruses could offer some cross-reactive immunity against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), and growing evidence points to that direction.
Biden Admits To Battling ‘A Cold’ After Repeatedly Coughing, Clearing Throat During Speech
(Ryan Saavedra) Joe Biden admitted late on Monday to having “a little bit of a cold” after he repeatedly coughed and cleared his throat during a speech earlier in the evening in which he called for unity and healing after attacking President Donald Trump and Republicans.
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The Power of the Cold With Wim Hof (Video)
The Power of the Cold With Wim Hof (Video)
Elderberries Are More Effective than Vaccines at Protecting You Against Colds and Flu
(Tracey Watson) This year, the American winter has seemed especially long and cold. Though spring is just around the corner, we unfortunately haven’t quite made it through the cold and flu season yet. Medical practitioners and pharma propaganda would have you believe that the best way to boost immunity and prevent the flu is to get the vaccination, but this year’s shot is proving to be just as ineffective as it does every other year.