(Cobra) In the last few months, there have been drastic shifts in the timelines and significant changes in the plan for the planetary liberation.
cobra 2012
COBRA | Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Activation
(Cobra) Time has come for a huge number of physical Sisterhood of the Rose groups to be activated on the surface of this planet.
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History and Possible Purpose of Cintamani Stones
(Justin Deschamps) The following appears to be a COBRA inspired presentation of what the Cintimani stones are. But it should be noted that the concept is much older than COBRA. As always, discernment is advisable.
COBRA | Taiwan Conference Report and Planetary Situation Update
(Cobra) Our Ascension conference in Taipei was an energetic continuation of the Budapest conference. Days before the conference, Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan and Arcturian Light cloudships have literally invaded Taiwan to prepare the energies for the conference:
COBRA | Firing the Grid Update — Event Prep Underway, Cintamani Stone Usage Advice
(Cobra) Certain Light Forces fleet, even more evolved that the Pleiadian fleet, has begun activating and preparing certain key members of the surface population for Compression Breakthrough and the Event.
COBRA | Entry Protocols Update — with Comments by Justin
(Cobra) Entry Protocols blog post has triggered strong reactions and so it requires an update.
COBRA | Entry Protocols — Contact Preparations, Inner Earth Invitation, The Agartha Network, Resistance Network Invitation Process
(Cobra) Behind the scenes, the Light forces are preparing the most awakened individuals of the surface population for physical contact with positive subsurface and extraterrestrial forces.
COBRA | Firing the Grid
(Cobra) The Pleiadians have communicated that this short message needs to be relayed to the surface population.
COBRA | Short Situation Update — Surface Operations Gone Deep Black, Event Plan Changed, Clone Rumors
(Cobra) Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The remaining plasma toplet bombs are still the main obstacle that needs to be removed before the Event can be triggered.
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COBRA | Peace Meditation and Budapest Ascension Conference Report
(Cobra) We had very little time to gather people for our Peace Meditation and the critical mass has not been reached, but the meditation still had a deep impact on the geopolitical situation in Syria, minimizing the effects of the military escalation on Friday April 13th ( a very important day on the Templar timeline), stabilizing the Syria goddess vortex and bringing more healing and peace to the region.
COBRA | Soul Families — Galactic Sun Incarnation Portal, Remember Your Missions, Division of Masculine and Feminine
(Cobra) To start preparing for the post-Event and post-Contact society, the Pleiadians have asked me to release intel about soul families.
COBRA | Pleiadians — History, Galactic Influence, Do Something to Make the Planet Better!
(Cobra) Pleiadians are beings of Love and Light. Most of the surface population is so enmeshed in the dysfunctional state of affairs on this planet that it is difficult for them to believe that beings that are full of Love and Light without an agenda really exist.
COBRA | Contact — Galactic Confederation Forces of Light Have decreed …
(Cobra) Galactic Confederation forces of Light have decreed the surface of this planet is [sic] to be turned into Confederation domain according to the Galactic Codex, section IV/2.
COBRA | Sexual Energy — Suppression of Masculine and Feminine Sexuality, Homosexuality, Tantra
(Cobra) Sexual energy is connected to one of the deepest Goddess mysteries, the mystery of reintegration of female and male polarities into Ascension. This is the true meaning of the alchemical formula of “solve et coagula”. Related Tantra is More than Just Good Sex, It’s the Art of Spiritualizing Everything in Life | Using Tantra Sex to […]
COBRA | Short Situation Update — Clearing Underground Base, Less Intel and Discernment, Goddess Mysteries
(Cobra) Clearing of underground Illuminati Breakaway Complex is proceeding with full speed. Source – COBRA The Portal by Cobra, March 2nd, 2018 The Light forces can not release much intel about surface operations to anybody without compromising the operations themselves. The Light forces have warned that in the absence of substantial intel, there will be […]