(Cobra) Return of Light meditation videos have been created in more than 20 languages. Make them viral, spread them through your networks to assist in reaching the critical mass!
cobra 2012
COBRA | Yellow Vests and the Vortex of Paris
(Cobra) On November 10th, 1793, there was an activation of Goddess of Reason and Liberty in the Notre Dame church in Paris:
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COBRA | Brazil Ascension Conference Report and Situation Update
(Cobra) The weekend of our Ascension conference in Sao Paulo was full of monumental changes for the planet.
COBRA | Short Situation Update — Positive Activity Behind the Scenes
(Cobra) Clearing of the Chimera group continues. There is a lot of extremely positive activity behind the scenes, but none of that can be revealed publicly, as there needs to be absolute radio silence about current operations of the Light forces. Let me just say when there will be results, everybody will be able to experience them.
COBRA | Time Sensitive Situation Update
(Cobra) Delta Option plan has triggered many different and strong responses and thus requires a little clarification.
Cobra | Delta Option — Alliance Losing Its Patience, New Event Plans
(Cobra) The situation on the surface of the planet has reached the boiling point.
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COBRA | Accelerated Ascension Energies, Goddess Archetypes, Clearing Operations
(Cobra) Increased activity of the Galactic Center continues. Removal of the quantum Dyson sphere around our Solar system has accelerated Ascension energies coming to our planet.
COBRA | Situation Update — Dyson Sphere Dissolved, Sun Active Portal Again, Call for New Team Members
(Cobra) Increased activity in the Galactic Center continues. Galactic Light Forces have removed last remnants of the quantum signature of a huge quantum fluctuation Dyson sphere, 4 light years in diameter, that was encircling our Solar System and was hindering the Ascension process of our Solar System.
COBRA | Situation Update — Galaxy as Mandala, Elites Panicking, Black Nobility, Trump and Q Anon
(Cobra) There is increased activity in the Galactic Center, leading to the final purification of all darkness and to completion of the Galactic network of Light, the Central Race bringing galactic high culture even to such backward places as planet Earth.
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COBRA | Keyhole Situation Update
(Cobra) After our Key to freedom meditation, the planetary liberation process accelerates.
COBRA | Key to Freedom Meditation Report
(Cobra) With our meditation we have reached about 70% of the critical mass. Although all goals of the meditation have not been achieved, our accomplishments have been substantial.
COBRA | Key to Freedom Meditation Final Update
(Cobra) Time is approaching for our Key to Freedom Meditation and the energies are rising as more and more people has made a decision to join us and we are gaining momentum. We have a real possibility of reaching the critical mass.
COBRA | Freedom Meditation on the Eclipse — August 11th, 2018
(Cobra) It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the Solar eclipse on August 11thto create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and enlighten the energy field around the planet.
COBRA | Planetary Ascension Process
(Cobra) After the Event, the planetary Ascension process proper will begin. The Veil will be lifted, using vortex technology:
COBRA | Sacred Union — Twin Souls, History, Coupling
(Cobra) This is the last of the “social dynamics” articles, which the Pleiadians have requested to be posted as part of preparation for the Ascension process. I have received clearance to release some “other” intel shortly after July 13th.