(Michael Robison) On Tuesday, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced the launch of a new Office of Environmental Justice (OEJ).
Carbon Dioxide and Climate – Friend or Foe?
(Brian C. Joondeph) In global warming circles, carbon dioxide is the bogey man, the cause of all evils. CO2 is another Vladimir Putin, blamed for rising gasoline prices and President Biden’s 8.5 percent inflation. Just as Putin isn’t responsible for consumer prices, which began rising shortly after Biden took office, CO2 may not be the bogey man hiding under the beds of Greta Thunberg and Al Gore, ready to pop out and consume the world.
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Veggie Only! UK School Bans Meat from Lunches Over Climate Fears
(Peter Caddle) A school in the UK has decided to ban all meat options from its lunch menu over fears surrounding climate change.
CLIMATE CULT: Germany Goes “Green” by Clear-Cutting 1,000-Year-Old Forest To Build Wind Farm
(Ethan Huff) One of the most unique and biodiverse forests in the world is about to get clear-cut to make room for a massive new “wind park.”
The Profound Junk Science of Climate
(Norman Rogers) Climate change prophecy hangs its hat on computer climate models. The models have gigantic problems. According to Kevin Trenberth, once in charge of modeling at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, “[None of the] models correspond even remotely to the current observed climate [of the Earth].” The models can’t properly model the Earth’s climate, but we are supposed to believe that, if carbon dioxide has a certain effect on the imaginary Earths of the many models it will have the same effect on the real earth.
Warming Causes Cooling, Says Climate Scientist
(Nwo Report) Let’s get this right: global warming caused the record cold in Texas last winter. And the climate will be even colder for decades to come because the climate is warming, so let’s spend trillions to make it colder. Global warming is making us cold, so we need to make it colder, or else the Earth will burn up.
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A Conservative Climate Expert’s Answer to Global ‘Lukewarming’: Grow the Economy
(Natalia Mittelstadt) Since 1980, damage and deaths per capita as a result of weather have dramatically dropped, says Patrick Michaels, former state climatologist of Virginia.
Scientists Warn CO2 and Global Warming “Biggest Misdirection” In Scientific History
(Franz Walker) While many so-called experts continue to demonize carbon dioxide and global warming as threats to the planet, others have quietly been criticizing the theory, pointing out faults in its thinking. Now one scientist has compiled comments from others like him who have spoken up against the current thinking on climate change.
VIDEO: Police Fight Antifa Outside G20 Summit…”Climate and Social Justice Now”
(Leisa Audette) G20 finance chiefs are in Venice, Italy working on “tax reform”…
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Playing God: Us Government Funds Geoengineering, a Controversial and Deadly “Backup Plan” To Alter Earth’s Atmosphere in the Name of “Climate Science”
(Cassie B.) As climate change alarmists continue to insist that we need to cool the planet’s temperatures in order to save it, one approach that is being touted is geoengineering. Some researchers have been supporting the idea of the deliberate mass manipulation of our climate as a “backup plan” if the world does not succeed in reducing carbon emissions by 2 degrees, and now the U.S. government is throwing money behind the plans.
Brilliant Stephen Miller: Here’s Why the Green Agenda has NOTHING to do with Climate…Everything to do with Socialism
(Leisa Audette) Former Trump senior advisor joins Stephen Miller spoke with Larry Kudlow on ‘Kudlow’ to discuss Biden’s ridiculous spending plans. The Infrastructure bill has very little to do with infrastructure. The agenda to push the climate change scam is incorporated into the bill, but that also has nothing to do with climate and everything to do with socialism.
Is Ocean Acidification Another Climate Change HOAX? Scientists Blow the Whistle on Massive, Coordinated Data Manipulation and Fraud
(Ethan Huff) The “last refuge of the climate scoundrels,” to quote a friend of Australian physicist Dr. Peter Ridd, is “ocean acidification,” a global warming conspiracy theory that appears to be the latest hoax of the climate change cult.
Mike Rowe Hits Back at the Left Over Climate: ‘No Bigger Investor in Alternative Energy Than Oil and Natural Gas’
(Steve Straub) Those on the left and their media allies appear to be dead set on crippling the American oil and gas industry, and the American economy, by a forced, government led transition to so called “green energy” all in the name of stopping climate change.
[Video] Absolute Control: “Screw Turning” Sociopath REPUBLICAN Climate Czar Admits Goal of Climate Policies… “We Will Break You”
(Ulysses S. Tennyson) In a shockingly casual and honest video (below) that was leaked from a Zoom conference, Massachusetts climate ‘czar’ under anti-Trump pro-voter fraud mail-in voting RINO Republican Charlie Baker, David Ismay admitted what climate policy is truly designed to do.