(Amber Crawford) On Sunday, in Laguna Woods, California, a gunman entered a church and began shooting. The Orange County Sheriff’s Department reported getting a call about the church shooting at 1:26 pm, and when the officers arrived on the scene, the shooter had already been detained.
“You Virtue Signaling Devil in a Blue Dress!” – NY Gov. Kathy Hochul Shamed, Heckled During Public Event at New York City Church (VIDEO)
(Alicia Powe) New York Gov. Kathy Hochul delivered remarks at St. George Ukrainian Catholic Church in New York City on Wednesday night when an outraged protester slammed the Democrat lawmaker for forcing residents of the state to comply with dangerous COVID vaccine mandates.
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Watch: Gunman Storms Altar, Pastor Tackles Him and Seizes Back Control of Church
(Jack Gist) God saves souls. He also saves lives, according to a pastor who tackled a gunman threating the lives of his congregation.
‘Divisive’: Australian Bishops Stop Priests From Protesting Church Closures, Mandatory Jabs
(Michael Haynes) Members of the Australian Catholic hierarchy reportedly stopped a group of priests from issuing a “divisive” public statement protesting the government’s severe COVID-19 restrictions.
Popular Anchorage Strip Club Converted into Church By Daughter of Former Exotic Dancer
(Cassandra Fairbanks) A once popular strip club in Anchorage, Alaska, has been converted into a church by the daughter of a former exotic dancer.
Catholic Church in St. Louis Ropes off Unvaccinated Members like Cattle, Bans Them from Parish Hall
(Ethan Huff) St. Joseph Catholic Parish in Cottleville, Mo., near St. Louis is reportedly segregating its unvaccinated members from the rest of the congregation by forcing them to worship and take communion in their own separate area of the building.
Chinese Communist Party Orders Church To Display Mao’s Little Red Book Instead Of Bible.
(Natlie Winters) A church in China displayed books authored by Chinese Communist Party leaders Xi Jinping and Mao Zedong in place of works such as the Bible, according to reports.
PERSECUTION: Polish-Canadian Pastor Arrested For Holding Church Says Someone Tried To Burn His House Down
(Tom Pappert) “Someone tried to burn my house down! Price of fighting for Freedom,” wrote Pawlowski. “Please, pray for our enemies!”
PoliceShow up at London Church on Easter Sunday, After Shutting Down Good Friday Mass
(Nwo Report) Parishioners have accused London police of trying to find lockdown rule-breaking during an Easter Sunday service to justify having shut down a Good Friday mass at a Polish church.
Churchgoers Breaking COVID Rules in The Netherlands Attack Journalist Outside Church (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) Onward Christian soldiers.
‘We Have to Obey God’s Word’: Calif. Church Fined $1 Million for Worshiping Indoors
(Michael Foust) A California judge on Thursday said the pastors of a well-known church that has held indoor worship services won’t have to serve time jail, although the congregation still faces substantial fines of more than $1 million.
Radical Democrat Raphael Warnock Oversaw Church Camp that Abused a Child – Threw Urine on Him
(Jim Hoft) Last week Fox News host Tucker Carlson exclusively obtained shocking bodycam footage of police responding to an altercation between Georgia Democrat Senate candidate Raphael Warnock and his now ex-wife.
‘Very Heartbreaking’: Police Block Cars From Attending Drive-In Church Service
(Jon Brown) Police blocked congregants from attending a drive-in church service at a church in rural Manitoba, Canada, on Sunday morning.
‘We’re Having Church’: John MacArthur’s Church Continues Worship After Court Upholds Ban On Indoor Services
(Jon Brown) Grace Community Church and its senior pastor John MacArthur continued indoor services Sunday even after the California Court of Appeal struck down a lower court ruling that would have allowed the church to gather indoors with masks and social distancing.
Christian Church Decides to Meet at Walmart Since Government Wouldn’t Allow Them to Meet at Church — Watch What Happened!
(Jim Hoft) A video of Christians meeting at Walmart, reportedly in North Versailles, Pennsylvania, has gone viral on the internet.