(Paul Joseph Watson) Belgians have been told that they can expect a knock on the door from police at Christmas if they are not properly following COVID-19 rules.
Astrotheology: The Sun of God — Christmas and the Risen Savior
(Lynn Hayes) The fact that our Judeo-Christian mythos is a derivation of earlier religions and legends has moved into the mainstream, and the idea that the divinity of Jesus has parallels with other gods is no longer a shocking idea.
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9 Tips for Surviving Toxic Family Members at Christmas
(Nikki Harper) It’s nearly Christmas! What a wonderful time of year for getting together with family members we don’t see nearly often enough! Happiness, joy, laughter and memorable togetherness all round – right? Perhaps. If you’re lucky. Christmas truly is a joyful time for many families – but for many others, the presence of toxic family members can turn Christmas get-togethers into something to be endured at best, or at worst even feared.