(S.D. Wells) This is huge. The FDA just granted orphan drug designation (ODD) to Insys Therapeutics for its pharmaceutical-grade, proprietary cannabidiol (CBD) product for treating cancer tumors in humans.
The CDC’s Influenza Math Doesn’t Add Up: Exaggerating the Death Toll to Sell Flu Shots
(Robert F. Kennedy Jr.) Every year at about this time, public health officials and their media megaphones start up the drumbeat to encourage everyone (including half-year-old infants, pregnant women and the invalid elderly) to get a flu shot. Never mind that more often than not the vaccines don’t work, and sometimes even increase the risk of getting sick.
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MUST READ — Epidemiology Versus Biology: The REAL Statistical Difference In Vaccine Studies
(Catherine J. Frompovich) The CDC whistleblower regarding the fraudulent 2004 MMR DeStefano et al vaccine study that excluded pertinent epidemiological information regarding young black boys less than three years of age, epidemiologist Dr. William Thompson, PhD, apparently has gone out of his way to comment on a ‘study’ performed by a student working on his Master’s degree in Medicine in 2014, Luke E. Taylor, “a ‘Pediatric Registrar’ at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead in Sydney, Australia.” [1]