(James Barrett) Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and a prolific and much-cited expert in his field, has published an open letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel along with a video addressing some of its contents.
CCP Virus
Hydroxychloroquine Rated ‘Most Effective Therapy’ by Doctors for Coronavirus: Global Survey
(Eric A. Blair) The antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine has been deemed the most highly rated treatment for the novel coronavirus in an international poll of more than 6,000 doctors.
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This is What Economic Collapse Looks Like
(Michael Snyder) Approximately ten million Americans have filed new claims for unemployment benefits over the past two weeks. To put that in perspective, the all-time record for a single week before this coronavirus pandemic hit was just 695,000. So needless to say, 6.6 million claims in a single week puts us in uncharted territory. Just check out this chart. We have never seen a week like this before, and we may never see a week quite this bad again. Of course millions more jobs will be lost in the months ahead as this pandemic stretches on, but it is hard to imagine another spike like we just had. When you add the last two weeks together, somewhere around 10 million Americans have filed new unemployment claims during that time period…
“US Labor Market Is In Free-Fall” — 10M Americans Have Filed For Unemployment In Past 2 Weeks
(Zero Hedge) After last week’s unprecedented 3.3 million surge in initial jobless claims, this week’s is even more unprecedented-er, adding a stunning 6.648 million (just 100k away from our estimate of 6.5million) for a two-week sum of 10 million new Americans claiming unemployment benefits…
The Coronavirus Vaccine Might kill up to 110,000 Americans, Suggest Estimates from Health Author
(Ethan Huff) As the herds of gullible sheep anxiously wait for their government to roll out a new vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), it can’t be stated emphatically enough that whatever jab is eventually unveiled will surely be far worse than the virus itself.
The Fall of the Cabal and the COVID Connection
(Janet Ossebaard) What you’re about to learn are not only the viewpoints of the author in her own words about what is happening in these turbulent times, but also what a vast and growing number of people all around the world have been learning about for years. People just like you, waking up to the truth…
Coronavirus Cases Globally see Largest-Ever Daily Increase
(Marty Johnson) The world saw the largest single-day increase of new coronavirus cases on Thursday, as the number of cases of the disease worldwide surged past 1 million.
Can Zinc Help Fight COVID-19?
(Isabelle Z)We’ve long known that zinc can be effective when it comes to shortening the duration of the common cold, and we also know that many common colds are caused by coronaviruses. That has left many people wondering if zinc can help alleviate the impact of the novel coronavirus that is wreaking havoc across the planet, COVID-19.
Can’t Find Toilet Paper? Here Are 12 Alternatives to TP
(The Organic Prepper) The Holy Grail in America right now is toilet paper. Maybe it’s because in many towns and cities across the nation, spying a 12-pack – or even, goal of all goals, a lonely 24-pack sitting angled on an otherwise empty shelf is recently akin to finding a gold nugget while wading in a creek.
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One-Two Punch: Coronavirus, Price War Sends Oil Prices to 18-Year Low
(Franz Walker) The economic slowdown brought about by the global coronavirus pandemic, compounded with the price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia, has sent oil prices into an 18-year low Monday. This was crude-oil future’s biggest percentage drop on record for any month or quarter, according to Dow Jones Market Data analysis, since 1983.
Tucker Carlson: The WHO Helped China Cover-Up Coronavirus
(Paul Joseph Watson) Tucker Carlson exposed during a powerful monologue last night how the World Health Organization helped China cover-up the severity of coronavirus and how the U.S. media turned a blind eye.
How to Strengthen Your Relationship During Confinement
(Exploring Your Mind) The confinement that you may be experiencing these days can greatly affect your relationship with your partner. In this article, we share some valuable advice that may help strengthen your relationship during confinement.
COVID-19: Five Psychological Effects of Confinement and How to Manage Them
(Exploring Your Mind) The psychological effects of confinement may become more severe as the days go by. You need to know what strategies and mental approaches to apply in order to cope better with this situation and help others at the same time.
The Fed Blows Biggest Bond Bubble Ever: March IG Bond Issuance Hits $271BN, an Absolute Record
(Zero Hedge) When the Fed broke the last frontier of moral hazard – at least until it starts openly purchasing ETFs and single stocks after the next market crash, thereby fully nationalizing the market – and announced it, or rather Blackrock, would not only expand its QE to “unlimited” but also buy investment grade bonds and the IG ETF, LQD, it effectively tore the bond market into two categories: that backstopped by the Fed, and that which isn’t (something we described in “Bond Market Tears In Two: Distressed Debt Is Cratering, As Fed Buying Of Investment Grade Sends LQD NAV Soaring”).
CCP Coverup EXPOSED: New US Intelligence Report Accuses China Of Deliberately Lying About Coronavirus Figures
(Zero Hedge) A day after China reported more than 1,500 additional “asymptomatic” cases that authorities said had been left out of the country’s data, while promising to start reporting these cases (they’ve already reported 50 more on Wednesday, blaming most of them on travel) going forward, an intelligence report has been submitted to the White House accusing Beijing of deliberately underreporting cases.