(Brian C. Joondeph) In global warming circles, carbon dioxide is the bogey man, the cause of all evils. CO2 is another Vladimir Putin, blamed for rising gasoline prices and President Biden’s 8.5 percent inflation. Just as Putin isn’t responsible for consumer prices, which began rising shortly after Biden took office, CO2 may not be the bogey man hiding under the beds of Greta Thunberg and Al Gore, ready to pop out and consume the world.
carbon dioxide
Larry Hamlin: Climate Emergency Is the Product of Propaganda and Politics Without Scientific Backing
(Ramon Tomey) Larry Hamlin explains in a Watts Up With That article how and why climate emergency is nothing but a product of propaganda and politics.
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Scientists Warn CO2 and Global Warming “Biggest Misdirection” In Scientific History
(Franz Walker) While many so-called experts continue to demonize carbon dioxide and global warming as threats to the planet, others have quietly been criticizing the theory, pointing out faults in its thinking. Now one scientist has compiled comments from others like him who have spoken up against the current thinking on climate change.
Chemistry Expert: Carbon Dioxide Can’t Cause Global Warming
(Dr. Mark Imisides) Scarcely a day goes by without us being warned of coastal inundation by rising seas due to global warming.