(Vicki Batts) Cannabis may still be prohibited by the U.S. federal government, but that doesn’t mean the prized plant isn’t a medicine. While federal prohibition may make scientific research on cannabis harder to complete, many studies have shown that the plant has wide-reaching medicinal benefits. Research continues to show that for dozens of conditions, cannabis could be a natural solution.
Senate Votes to Finally Legalize Hemp After 80 Years of Prohibition
(Carey Wedler) On Thursday, the U.S. Senate approved a bill to legalize hemp, an industrial crop that has been banned for decades.
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10 Reasons Cannabis is Far Safer Than Alcohol for the Consumer and the Community
(Marco Torres) We have been led to believe that cannabis is a dangerous and addictive drug that has destroyed the lives of countless teens and adults. We have also been encouraged to accept, through poorly designed scientific studies, that cannabis causes lung cancer and is a “gateway” to harder drugs. The government has even tried to convince the public that people who use cannabis are more at risk to themselves and the public than those who use alcohol.