(Matt Agorist) Honeybees have long provided humans with vital tools for our survival like the pollination of fruits and vegetables as well as honey which has medicinal and antibiotic properties. A new study published this month in the journal npj Precision Oncology reveals that the role of honeybees in helping humans may have just taken a massive live-saving step forward.
Research: Smartphone Blue Light Linked to Colon Cancer and Depression. Ditto with Smartphone RF Radiation
(B.N. Frank) There IS research that has already determined that exposure from cell phones and other sources of wireless (WiFi) radiation is harmful. It has been linked to cancer, mental health issues, and much more.
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New Study Links Brain Tumors to Power Lines Exposure
(B.N. Frank) It may seem like warnings have only been cited about the many health risks associated with exposure to sources of wireless radiation (i.e. 5G, Bluetooth, cell phone and WiFi radiation). However, there have been warnings about exposure risks from additional sources of Electromagnetic Radiation (aka “Electrosmog”) for many years as well. This includes power lines.
New Intermittent Fasting Program Shown to Suppress Cancer and Metabolic Disease in Mice and Humans
(Andy Corbley) As scientists become more and more fascinated by the surprising health benefits of fasting, yet another intriguing new study emphasizes the importance of when we are eating, rather than what we are eating.
Ex-Program Director at National Cancer Institute Calls out the “Medical Establishment” & Their “Agenda”
(Arjun Walia) A paper published in 2016 by Mahin Khatami, a former program director at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and National Institutes of Health (NIH), claims that modern day medicine is full of corruption and not focused on health, but rather profit. The politicization of medicine and the corporate takeover of governments has plagued multiple countries for a long time. This is now being expressed in peer-reviewed literature by those within the field.
A Broccoli Anti-Aging Enzyme May Hold the Fountain of Youth
(Mike Barrett) If you’re looking to turn back the hands of time, look no further than broccoli. Love it or hate it, this common cruciferous veggie contains a natural compound called nicotinamide mononucleotide, which has been shown to have a potent anti-aging effect on mice that “could be translated to humans.” [1]
Warning: Over 900 Products Contain E171, a Harmful Food Additive That Can Cause Ibs and Even Cancer
(Ralph Flores) A recent study revealed the hidden dangers of titanium dioxide (TiO2), an additive found in foods and medicines. Researchers from The University of Syndey(USYD) and other universities in Australia investigated whether TiO2 — an agent used in over 900 food products — can negatively impact human health.
Top 7 Sources of the Fuel That Feed Cancer – the Warped Cell Generator
(S.D. Wells) For 75 years, the American sick-care system has convinced nearly all Americans that chemotherapy is the only way to even attempt to beat cancer. It’s all been one big horrible lie. First off, we all have cancer cells in our body right now. The only way doctors ever even notice cancer cells is after they’ve multiplied uncontrollably into the billions and attacked some weakened tissue. By then, it’s been occurring for quite some time, and the chemical “gasoline” for that evil “cancer machine” is being pumped into the body daily, probably hourly, with the same “repeat offender” carcinogenic chemicals, which are found in our food and medicine.
FDA Shocking Study: Cells Used In Vaccines Contaminated With Serious Viruses Including Cancer
(Aaron Kesel) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published shocking results which found that cells used in the manufacturing of numerous childhood vaccines are often contaminated with serious viruses including cancer.
The Benefits of Phycocyanin: Blue Spirulina For Energy, Pain, Athletes and Cancer?
(Michael Wright) You might be thinking to yourself, ‘what are the benefits of phycocyanin and what is blue spirulina?’ We’ll review the impressive science below.
Breakthrough Prostate Cancer Treatment Uses Ultrasound Waves To Eliminate Tumors
(Elias Marat) Doctors have made a tremendous step forward in the fight against prostate cancer, using targeted ultrasound pulses to successfully eliminate the disease entirely in 65 percent of cases with few side effects.
Peroxynitrite: A Dangerous Link Between GMOs and Wi-fi
(Ralph Flores) People are living in dangerous times – that much is a given. But what people don’t know is that these “dangers” are already close by, chief of which are poor diet and lifestyle choices.
Hypnotic Healing and the Mysterious Relationship Between Mind and Body
(Steve Taylor, Ph.D.) In the 1840s, a Scottish doctor living in India named James Esdaile was frequently visited by men with enormous tumours (weighing up to 45 kg) in the scrotum, caused by mosquito bites. The operation to remove them was so painful that men would often put it off for years, only having it as a last resort.
Sulforaphane, a Compound in Cruciferous Vegetables, Found to Kill Colon Cancer Cells
(Evangelyn Rodriguez) An increasing number of studies have recently emerged promoting the benefits of eating cruciferous vegetables. These vegetables are not only rich in dietary fiber that supports digestive health, but they are also good sources of phytonutrients that can reduce the risk of cancer.
The Cancer Epidemic is Caused by a Virus That Was Put in the Polio Vaccine and Given to 98 Million People (Also Transmitted Sexually)
(Johnny Peepers) How did the discovery of cancer-causing monkey viruses in polio vaccines trigger a covert bio-weapon research project involving Lee Harvey Oswald, Fidel Castro, and the brutal murder of Dr. Mary Sherman?