(Science Daily) The premiere of the movie Scent of Mystery in 1960 marked a singular event in the annals of cinema: the first, and last, motion picture debut “in glorious Smell-O-Vision.” Hoping to wow moviegoers with a dynamic olfactory experience alongside the familiar spectacles of sight and sound, select theaters were outfitted with a Rube Goldberg-esque device that piped different scents directly to seats.
Brain science
89% of People Think Happiness Can Be Controlled – And They Are Much Happier For It
(Good News Network) How far can the self-belief that you make your own happiness carry you, creating conditions for a self-fulfilling prophecy? A new study shows there is a happy correlation.
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Study: The Brain has Two Systems for Thinking About Others’ Thoughts
(Max Planck) The brain seems to have two different systems through which we can put ourselves into the shoes of someone else. These two systems mature at different times such that only 4-year-olds can understand what another person is thinking, and not, as some have assumed, 1-year-olds.
Researchers Unveil Ultra-Precise, Mind-Controlled Prosthetic: ‘It’s like you have a hand again’
(Nicole Casal Moore) In a major advance in mind-controlled prosthetics for amputees, University of Michigan researchers have tapped faint, latent signals from arm nerves and amplified them to enable real-time, intuitive, finger-level control of a robotic hand.
Meet the 18-Year-old Blind Piano Player Who is So Talented, Scientists Are Studying His Brain
(Asher Israel) The remarkable story of this blind piano prodigy is now helping scientists to better understand the human brain.
Meditation Changes the Structure of Your Brain in a Positive Way, Studies Show
(Aaron Kesel) For years, scientists have been trying to determine, through the study of neuroscience, if meditation has any effect on our personal health and our environment, going so far as to question if it could potentially lower crime rates.
The Left-Handed Brain: Differences and Advantages
(Exploring Your Mind) In a right-handed world, the left-handed brain has to make a number of adaptations. We’re talking about creating and putting into practice strategies that could make you more skilled on a psychomotor and cognitive level.
The Fetal Brain Possesses Adult-like Networks
(Neuroscience News) The fundamental organization of brain networks is established in utero during the second and third trimesters of fetal development, according to research published in Journal of Neuroscience. The finding lays the groundwork for understanding how the prenatal period shapes future brain function.
Cover-Up of Catastrophe | Which Is More Important? & Micronova & Magnetic Reversal | Info Update
Cover-Up of Catastrophe | Which Is More Important? & Micronova & Magnetic Reversal | Info Update
‘Mystical’ Psychedelic Compound Found in Normal Brains
(Neuroscience News) DMT, an active compound of the psychedelic Ayahuasca, is naturally occurring in the mammalian brain, researchers have discovered. The study revealed DMT levels increased significantly in the rat visual cortex following cardiac arrest.
Mood Neurons Mature During Adolescence
(Science Daily) Researchers have discovered a mysterious group of neurons in the amygdala — a key center for emotional processing in the brain — that stay in an immature, prenatal developmental state throughout childhood. Most of these cells mature rapidly during adolescence, suggesting a key role in the brain’s emotional development, but some stay immature throughout life, suggesting new ideas about how the brain keeps its emotional responses flexible throughout life.
The Science of How Focus Music Makes You Work Better
The Science of How Focus Music Makes You Work Better
Research Into Brain’s Reaction to Motion Earns Significant Attention
(Neuroscience News) Neuroimaging helps researchers observe what happens in the brain as a person is rotated. The study, which gives insight into how the brain moves after the head stops moving, also provides critical information for advancing studies of TBI.
Mathematical Framework Explores How the Brain Keeps a Beat
(Neuroscience News) A new mathematical model can predict how the brain reacts when learning a rhythmic beat. The model shows how a neural network can act as a ‘neural metronome’ by estimating time intervals between beats within tens of milliseconds. The metronome relies on gamma oscillations to keep track of time.
Psychopaths and Sociopaths — Schadenfreude: Your Pain is My Gain
(Neuroscience News) Schadenfreude, or taking pleasure from the misfortune of others, can be contagious and leads to a vicious cycle of mistreatment of a victim, especially in a competitive workplace.