(Exploring Your Mind) You must save your energy when it comes to dealing with difficult people. This implies not having a breakdown, maintaining your good self-esteem, and controlling your emotions so you don’t become overcome by anger or frustration.
5 Useful Tips For Setting Energetic Boundaries And Sticking To Them
(Abby Cahoone) Do you find yourself saying yes to things too often? To then get quickly drained from having many commitments? Or maybe you have some people in your life who simply take up a lot of your energy? Who you love and want to please at whatever cost to you. We’ve all probably been there, and if you find yourself feeling this way, it may be time to start putting some boundaries in place.
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How To Respond To Negative People Without Being Negative Yourself
(Joe Martino) Have you ever had a friend, co-worker, teammate or even someone in your family that just seems to put a damper on things all the time? Whether it be with their habits, character traits or the need to be negative, sometimes people in our lives can provide some interesting challenges.