(Frankie Stockes) A Delaware County, Pennsylvania school district is filling its classrooms and libraries with books promoting transgenderism in children and describing acts of rape and pedophilia in graphic detail. The Haverford School District has been discarding parental pushback and continues to characterize its far-left social agenda as a “guidance” program designed to help students with mental health. The sexually explicit books are part of Haverford’s “social emotional learning” curriculum, which has been banned in other states, such as Idaho, for containing leftist social ideology.
Five COVID Books You Must Read
(James Jeffery) For the last two years, we have witnessed a war on truth. From the censorship of key medical experts to the widespread dissemination of false information concerning the efficacy of lockdowns, masking, and vaccines, societal distrust is at an all-time high.
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Video: School Board Attempts To Silence Parent Reading Out Pedo Porn Books From Its Own Library
(Steve Watson) A school board in Virginia attempted to cut off a mother who read out loud from disgusting pedophilia porn books stocked in the school’s own library as part of a “diversity and inclusion” drive.
We Do Not Censor Books: New York Public Library Refuses to Cancel Dr. Seuss
(Paul Joseph Watson) Numerous other libraries follow suit.
Kamala Once Gleefully Celebrated Dr. Seuss’s Birthday, Now Her Administration Disowns It…Labeled Racist…Frightened Publisher Bans Its Own Books…Prices Skyrocket
(Ulysses S. Tennyson) We previously reported that the Biden regime had declared war on beloved author Dr. Seuss and cancelled him. This amid government schools banning his books as well claiming they were somehow racist.
Banned Dr. Seuss Books Already Selling For Hundreds Of Dollars On Ebay
(Tyler Durden) Shortly after the cancel mob came for Dr. Seuss, several recently banned books began selling for hundreds of dollars on Ebay.
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Spooky Synchronicities Prevail in 1893 Children’s Book “Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Adventures” (Part 1 of 2)
(Chandra Loveguard) Things that make you go, hmmm… This lengthy children’s book written in 1893 is definitely one of them! The synchromystery prevails here and the puzzle may never be solved. But even Snopes says it’s not entirely fake news.
The Last President of What, Exactly? (Does An 1896 Book Foreshadow Current Presidential Escapades and What Do the Simpsons Have To Do With It?) (Part 1 of 2)
(Chandra Loveguard) The Simpsons ain’t got nothin’ on Ingersoll Lockwood, author of the seemingly prophetic book The Last President. Or do they???
5 Important Books The ‘Deep State’ Wants Buried – According To NYU Professor
(Richard Enos) Mark Crispin Miller, a Professor of Media Studies at New York University, is best known for his analysis of U.S. Election fraud and the overall deception and obfuscation of truth perpetrated by those at the top of the power pyramid. He characterizes the books that serve the truth about American history, politics, war, economics, and media as ‘an embarrassment of riches,’ but his aim is to sift through all these books and find the ones that most pressingly need to be heard about, known, and widely read.
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5 Powerful Books For Spiritual Awakening, Mysticism and Magic
(Luke Miller) The world is rapidly changing, and that which seemed like mysticism just a few short decades ago is now becoming reality. Speaking to someone face to face while they are on the other side of the planet may seem normal now through our “smart devices”, but if you had presented this the not so distant past, people would have revered you as a magician with mystical powers.
Former CIA Spy’s Top 25 Must Read Books To Open Your Mind
Robert David Steele, the former CIA spy, has re-launched his YouTube account and has posted part 1 of 3 of a lecture series of him talking about the top 25 books he recommends to open one’s mind. Be sure to subscribe to his channel and look for more content coming from him soon. Stillness in […]
Spiritual Awakening Books: The Top 3 Every Seeker Should Read (and How They’ll Transform Your Life)
By SoulHub. What are the best spiritual awakening books that every spiritual seeker MUST read? In this video I not only share my all-time top 3 books on spiritual awakening (from among the countless books I’ve read in my nearly 20 year spiritual journey), but I break them down and discuss specifically how they’ll transform your whole life.
The Ringing Cedars — Secret Wisdom For the Modern Age | Gardening, Child-rearing, Healing, Nature, Sexuality, Religion and More.
The Ringing Cedars — Secret Wisdom For the Modern Age | Gardening, Child-rearing, Healing, Nature, Sexuality, Religion and More.
5 Really Good Books on Reincarnation
(Teresa Yanaros) Are you looking to further your understanding of the concept of reincarnation? Add these epic books to your arsenal ASAP.
QAnon Goes Mainstream at Trump Rally While Tripcodes Point to Exopolitics Books
(Dr. Michael Salla) President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” rally in Tampa, Florida on July 31 saw many attendees bearing QAnon shirts and signs, and even had the President approvingly point to someone carrying a QAnon sign. This led to multiple mainstream media (MSM) stories later attacking the QAnon movement. Rather than putting a stop to the rapidly growing movement, the MSM attacks are instead putting QAnon on the radar of millions more Americans.